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Travel & Hospitality Expense Reports

Top Five Claimants: 2012-13 Fiscal Year (April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

The Public Sector Expenses Review Act, 2009 (PSERA) and Ontario Regulation 440/09 require our organization to identify the five individuals employed at the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) whose total aggregated expense claims made during the past 12-month period are the highest at the OEB. The expenses of these individuals have been submitted to the Integrity Commissioner for Review.

In accordance with the Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive, the OEB posts the travel, meal and hospitality expenses of all individuals designated under PSERA, including the five highest expense claimants. In some cases certain of the work-related expenses of the five highest expense claimants may not appear on this site because the expenses are not related to travel, meals or hospitality.

Select a name from the list below:

  1. Lilia Shillingford, Advisor, Community Outreach
  2. Peter Fraser, Managing Director, Regulatory Policy
  3. Rosemarie Leclair, Chair/CEO
  4. Daria Babaie, Manager, Regulatory Audit and Accounting
  5. Zora Crnojacki, Project Advisor, Natural Gas