From: Colin McLorg
Sent: January 9, 2006 12:40 PM
To: Zulma DeBonis; ''
Cc: Marc Abramovitz; Lee Harmer
Subject: RE: 2006 EDR- EB-2005-0405- Peninsula West Utilities Limited- BOARD STAFF INTERROGATORIES

Attachments: Colin McLorg.vcf

Hi Karen – thanks for your advice concerning PWUL’s interrogatory responses.  The Board does not issue formal extensions due to the disruption that would cause to the process, but neither is one required.  We simply ask that you submit your responses as soon as possible after you are satisfied that they are complete.  As you know, the greater is the delay, the greater is the difficulty in establishing rates for May 1.



Colin McLorg

Manager, Electricity Rate Applications

416-440-7614 / 416-500-3301

From: Zulma DeBonis
Sent: January 9, 2006 12:16 PM
To: Colin McLorg
Subject: FW: 2006 EDR- EB-2005-0405- Peninsula West Utilities Limited- BOARD STAFF INTERROGATORIES




See Ms. Bubish’s email. Please copy me when you reply to her email.


Have a good day!


Zulma DeBonis

Case Administrator

Ontario Energy Board

2300 Yonge Street, 27th Floor

Toronto, ON  M4P 1E4

Tel: 416-440-7609

Fax: 416-440-7656

From: Karen Bubish []
Sent: January 9, 2006 12:10 PM
To: Zulma DeBonis
Subject: RE: 2006 EDR- EB-2005-0405- Peninsula West Utilities Limited- BOARD STAFF INTERROGATORIES


Regarding the interrogatories for EB-2005-0405 PWUL, we are requesting an extension on the date of January 16, 2006.  Due to holidays, illness and the availability of consultants used in the Pen West rate application we are requesting an extension of 1 more week.

Karen Bubish
Director of Administration and Finance
Peninsula West Utilities Limited
4548 Ontario St., Unit # 2

Beamsville, Ontario L0R 1B5
905-563-0469 x 222
FAX 905-563-9140

This communication is directed in confidence solely to the addressee's listed above and may not otherwise be distributed, copied or used.  You should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by reply email if your name is not included as an addressee.



From: Zulma DeBonis []
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 3:14 PM
To: Karen Bubish
Subject: RE: 2006 EDR- EB-2005-0405- Peninsula West Utilities Limited- BOARD STAFF INTERROGATORIES

Ms. Bubish,


According to Procedural Order No. 3, the applicants shall file their responses to any interrogatories with the Board and serve them on registered intervenors on or before January 16, 2006


Thank you,


Zulma DeBonis

Case Administrator

Ontario Energy Board

2300 Yonge Street, 27th Floor

Toronto, ON  M4P 1E4

Tel: 416-440-7609

Fax: 416-440-7656

From: Karen Bubish []
Sent: December 21, 2005 3:14 PM
To: Zulma DeBonis
Subject: RE: 2006 EDR- EB-2005-0405- Peninsula West Utilities Limited- BOARD STAFF INTERROGATORIES



How long do I have to respond to these interrogatories?


Karen Bubish
Director of Administration and Finance
Peninsula West Utilities Limited
4548 Ontario St., Unit # 2

Beamsville, Ontario L0R 1B5
905-563-0469 x 222
FAX 905-563-9140

This communication is directed in confidence solely to the addressee's listed above and may not otherwise be distributed, copied or used.  You should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by reply email if your name is not included as an addressee.



From: Zulma DeBonis []
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 1:12 PM
To: Karen Bubish; Jay Shepherd;; Darryl Seal
Subject: 2006 EDR- EB-2005-0405- Peninsula West Utilities Limited- BOARD STAFF INTERROGATORIES

I am sorry, I pressed “send” before attaching the other 2 documents.



Please see attachments.


Please note that the Canadian Cable Television Association (“CCTA”) has requested to discontinue its participation in the above proceeding. The attached intervention list reflects this change.


Thank you,


Zulma DeBonis

Case Administrator

Ontario Energy Board

2300 Yonge Street, 27th Floor

Toronto, ON  M4P 1E4

Tel: 416-440-7609

Fax: 416-440-7656