February 17th,
The Task Force (TF) reviewed the minutes
of its last meeting and the progress of other TFs. Each TF Working Group
(WG) reviewed its progress. Discussion of Dr. Cannon’s paper and summary
of PBR issues recently presented to OEB Board. Board Staff made presentation
on Demand Side Management ("DSM") as it has been applied to natural gas
utilities in Ontario by the OEB.
WG1 (Customer Service) discussed
estimated changes, problems with standard performance indicators when measuring
rural vs. urban areas, reducing the proposed number of benchmarks, defining
dead bands posing a challenge. WG2 (Reliability) discussed preferred performance
indicators, need for reliable and consistent data, reporting frequency
of one year, 1st yr implementation, 2nd yr refinement, and 3rd yr integration.
WG3 (Plan Term/Exit Tamps) discussed plan term, Z-factors, off-ramps, PBR
objectives and general implementation issues.
TF representatives agreed to continue
their reviews, and specifically assess:
Working Group 1: earnings sharing between
shareholders and ratepayers.
Working Group 2: incentive structure
for those failing performance reliability measures.
Working Group 3: implementation time
lines, inclusion of energy efficiency.
Each Working Group will prepare a short
report for the next TF meeting.