March 17th, 1999
The outcome of the Board's consultants,
Hagler Bailly's Michael King and Frank Cronin, and Board Staff meeting
with the Board on issues that have arisen from the task forces' (TF) meetings
was discussed. These issues include: the bifurcated approach to PBR to
address the significant variety among utility circumstances; the need for
rate restructuring; consideration of the utilities' transition activities
and costs in a first generation PBR plan; and the Board's public consultation
on the rate handbook. The plan term work group presented an updated version
of the electricity distribution restructuring time-line and discussed process
issues. The customer service and system reliability work group have finalized
their surveys on performance indicators to determine the practicality of
the indicators proposed. The customer service indicators included in the
survey are: emergency response; connection of new services; underground
cable locates; telephone accessibility; service disconnect/reconnect; notice
of supply interruption; written response to inquiries; and appointments.
The system reliability indicators in the survey are: system average interruption
duration index (SAIDI) and system average interruption frequency index
(SAIFI) and customer average interrruption duration index (CAIDI). The
survey has been distributed to all distributors.
The PBR plan term work group will discuss
processes to build into the time-line. The customer service work group
will continue discussions on sharing mechanisms and the system reliability
group will continue work on enforcement mechanisms.
The TF's next meeting will be on March
30, 1999 starting at 1:00 p.m.