What types of things are NOT eligible for the Innovation Sandbox?

Do I need to know whether I want to do a pilot project before contacting the OEB Innovation Sandbox?

No. Proponents are encouraged to contact the OEB Innovation Sandbox with innovative ideas at any stage of their development. The OEB Innovation Sandbox Information Service can provide information and guidance to proponents at any stage.

Will I need a hearing for this?

The OEB expects that responses to OEB Innovation Sandbox proposals will typically be handled by OEB staff through an administrative process without a hearing.

How long will this take?

That depends. For innovators who only want to access the Information Service, OEB staff will meet within 20 days of a request for a meeting. For innovators who have a pilot project they want to proceed with, the process will conclude within 185 days at the latest, although the OEB’s objective is to understand the proponent’s project timelines and to work within those where possible.

How does an enquiry to the Innovation Sandbox differ from Industry Relations Enquiries (IRE)?

IREs are intended to address issues or questions regarding regulatory obligations, non-compliance activities, or current policy. IREs do not include the opportunity for an informal meeting with OEB staff, and are not intended to provide guidance or support to innovative pilot projects or questions related to innovation.

Sandbox enquiries involve innovative activities and business models in the energy sector that may require specific types of staff guidance or temporary relief.

IREs that are more appropriately dealt with in the Innovation Sandbox will be sent to Innovation Sandbox staff to be further explored. Likewise, Sandbox enquiries that do not relate to innovative activities or business models will be redirected to the IRE system.