Business Plans


We are pleased to publish our 2024-2027 Business Plan, which sets out how the OEB will provide value to the people of Ontario through consumer protection and customer choice, regulatory policy leadership, innovation, and adjudicative excellence. Highlights of the Plan include our new strategic goal to Enable Ontario’s Energy Transition, a new and robust Strategic Performance Measurement (SPM) scorecard, delivering on the Minister’s 2023 Letter of Direction, and our newly embedded Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Framework.

For the year ahead, the OEB will contribute to multi-year initiatives already underway that will further advance the actions that the province is taking to meet increasing demands for electricity, fuel strong economic growth, and support housing development. Exciting and innovative new work also awaits the OEB with respect to the development of Future Utility Business Models that reflect a made in Ontario approach to the form and function of utility operations and a fit for purpose regulatory approach which protects consumers from risk, not from progress.

Within the energy transition, our role as the independent regulator of Ontario’s electricity and natural gas sectors has never been more critical. The momentum in Ontario’s energy sector is palpable. It creates unprecedented challenges and opportunities and demands an energy regulator with the right mandate and the right mindset. The OEB is up to the task.

Corporate plans and reports
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