Interactive dashboards

Committed to enabling Ontario’s energy advantage, protecting the public, driving energy sector performance, and facilitating innovation, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) continuously seeks opportunities to enhance openness and transparency. Our interactive dashboards provide consumer and industry stakeholders alike with:

  • a clear line of sight into data that can help them to better understand industry trends and individual electricity distributor performance
  • customizable data visualization to meet personal preferences, and
  • allows performance comparisons of electricity distributors.

Unless otherwise noted, data represented in the dashboards is as reported to the OEB by electricity distributors.

System Reliability Dashboard

Reducing the frequency of power outages and the length of time it takes to restore power after an outage are key aspects of a reliable distribution system. The OEB requires electricity distributors to report on their performance against two measures of system reliability that capture data related to the system average frequency and duration of outages. Using the OEB’s System Reliability Dashboard, you can find system reliability performance data presented as:

  • Yearly and monthly trends in industry performance
  • Customizable views that can display side-by-side comparisons for two electricity distributors of your choice, and/or 
  • Customizable views that can display data broken down by cause of service interruption.

bar_chart Launch the System Reliability Dashboard


Service Quality Requirement Dashboard

Electricity distributors are required to meet several OEB service quality requirements that relate to key customer service activities such as answering phone calls in a timely way and being on time for service appointments. Using the Service Quality Dashboard, you can find service quality performance data presented as:

  • Yearly trends in service quality performance for all reporting electricity distributors, including percentage of electricity distributors meeting each service quality requirement, and/or
  • Customizable views that can display side-by-side comparisons for two electricity distributors of your choice or service quality requirements.

bar_chart Launch the Service Quality Requirement Dashboard


Net Metered and Embedded Generation Dashboard

The OEB requires electricity distributors to report on the number and capacity of embedded and net metering generation facilities that are connected to their distribution systems (embedded generation numbers are exclusive of net metered generation). Using the Net Metered and Embedded Generation Dashboard, you can find data related to the:

  • Yearly trend of cumulative annual installed capacity (kW) and the number of net metered and other embedded generation facilities
  • Number and total installed capacity (kW) of embedded generation facilities for all reporting electricity distributors and by individual electricity distributor 
  • Number of net metered generation facilities, installed capacity (kW) of net metered generation facilities, installed capacity (kW) of associated storage devices, and cumulative installed capacity (net metered generation and associated storage devices) (kW) for all reporting electricity distributors and by individual electricity distributor, and 
  • Installed capacity (kW) and average installed capacity (kW per facility) of net metered and other embedded generation facilities for all reporting electricity distributors and by individual electricity distributor.

bar_chart Launch the Net Metered and Embedded Generation Dashboard


Customer, Consumption and Revenue Dashboard

The OEB requires electricity distributors to report the number of customers and connections, annual consumption (kWh), and distribution revenue (including revenues from the distribution of electricity charges for standard supply service, retailer and other customers) for each rate class. Using the OEB’s Customer, Consumption and Revenue Dashboard, you can find the data presented as:

  • Summary of customer numbers, consumption, and distribution revenue
  • Yearly trends in consumption and distribution revenue by electricity distributors and by rate class 
  • Consumption and distribution revenue per customer or connection comparison by electricity distributors and by rate class
  • Distribution revenue per consumption comparison by electricity distributors and by rate class 

bar_chart Launch the Customer, Consumption and Revenue Dashboard

To access additional data made publicly available by the OEB, please refer to the Open Data inventory.

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