Enforcement proceedings

The objective of the OEB’s Enforcement Process is to hold accountable persons who breach their statutory or regulatory duties.

The OEB must issue a Notice of Intention to Make an Order (a “Notice”) which sets out the reasons for the proposed order and advises that the person may, within 15 days, give notice requiring the OEB to hold a hearing. The OEB may make an order if no notice requiring a hearing is given. The OEB is not bound by the proposed action in the Notice.

A person may give the OEB a written assurance of voluntary compliance which has the same force and effect as an order of the OEB.

This page sets out (1) Notices issued by the OEB and orders issued pursuant to those Notices, whether or not the OEB is required to hold a hearing; and (2)  Assurances of Voluntary Compliance.


IssueDescription and documentsUpdated on
Review of Handling of Ontario Power Generation Inc. Rebate Funds by Electricity Licensees

The OEB undertook a review of the handling of Ontario Power Generation Inc. rebate (OPG Rebate) funds by electricity distributors and electricity retailers.


A number of electricity licensees provided information to support the OEB’s review, and did so under Part VII (“Inspectors and Inspections”) of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998. Although details of individual reviews must remain confidential, the OEB considers it appropriate to provide all electricity distributors, electricity retailers and other interested parties with an overview of the OEB’s review process and the results on an aggregated basis.

Oct 13, 2015


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Enforcement proceedings

Timestamp Date Initiated Licensee Case no. Description and Documents Date Updated
1487221200 Williams Operating Corporation EB-2017-0088

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Williams Operating Corporation. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence. 

1486616400 Planet Energy (Ontario) Corp. EB-2017-0007

The OEB gave written notice to Planet Energy (Ontario) Corp. that it intends to make an order for compliance and payment of an administrative penalty as it is alleged that Planet Energy has engaged in unfair practices and breached the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and associated codes and regulations.

1486616400 Summitt Energy Management Inc. EB-2017-0005

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Summitt Energy Management Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the retraining of a salesperson

1485925200 Ensqr Corp. EB-2016-0380

The OEB gave written notice to Ensqr Corp. that it intends to make an order revoking the licence related to non-compliance with the requirements of the Assurance of Voluntary Compliance it entered into on August 2, 2016. The Assurance related to non-compliance of section 5.3.1 of the Unit Sub-Metering Code in regards to the necessary preparations required to support the OESP.

1476763200 SNC-Lavalin Operations & Maintenance Inc. EB-2016-0282

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from SNC-Lavalin Operations and Maintenance Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the operation of a generation facility without a licence. 

1467086400 Ensqr Corp. EB-2016-0200

The OEB gave written notice to Ensqr Corp. that it intends to make an order against Ensqr for compliance as well as the payment of an administrative penalty. The allegations concern Ensqr’s non-compliance with its licence conditions and obligations under the Unit Sub-Metering Code.

1466654400 Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. EB-2016-0180

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the Tariff of Rates and Charges set out in the Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. Rate Order.

1449637200 Olameter Inc. EB-2015-0330

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Olameter Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 and supporting regulatory instruments.

1422939600 Freepoint Commodities LLC EB-2015-0019

The Board gave written notice to Freepoint Commodities LLC concerning the non-payment of their annual licence fee. The Board intends to make an order revoking the licence.

1421989200 EnWin Utilities Ltd. EB-2015-0011

The Board has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from EnWin Utilities Ltd. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the Standard Supply Service Code and the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments.

1416891600 Sunwave Gas & Power Inc. EB-2014-0259

The Board has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Sunwave Gas & Power Limited. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments.

1414382400 Summitt Energy Management Inc. EB-2014-0308

The Board has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Summitt Energy Management Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. 

1414382400 Active Energy Inc./Active Energy Corp. EB-2014-0309

The Board has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Active Energy Inc. / Active Energy Corp. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. 

1400126400 Active Energy Inc./Active Energy Corp. EB-2013-0394

The Board has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Active Energy Inc. and Active Energy Corp. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments.

1396584000 Just Energy Ontario L.P. EB-2013-0393

The Board has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Just Energy Ontario L.P. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments.

1391403600 Sunwave Gas & Power Inc. EB-2013-0384

The Board has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Sunwave Gas & Power Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. 

1386738000 Summitt Energy Management Inc. EB-2013-0386

The Board has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Summitt Energy Management Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. 

1386219600 Just Energy Ontario L.P. EB-2013-0385

The Board has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Just Energy Ontario L.P. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. 

1384405200 Just Energy Ontario L.P. EB-2013-0392

The Board gave written notice to Just Energy Ontario LP that it intends to make an order to comply and pay an administrative penalty concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments.

1378267200 Energhx Green Energy Corporation EB-2013-0318

The Board gave written notice to Energhx Green Energy Corporation concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998. The Board intends to make an order revoking Energhx’s electricity retailer and gas marketer licences.

1357102800 Just Energy Ontario L.P. EB-2012-0443

The Board has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance by Just Energy Ontario L.P. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments.

1355893200 morEnergy Savings Corp. / Blue Power Distributed Energy Corp. EB-2012-0359

The Board gave written notice to morEnergy / Blue Power concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring morEnergy / Blue Power to comply and to pay an administrative penalty. The Board also intends to make an order suspending or revoking morEnergy / Blue Power’s gas marketer and electricity retailer licences. The Board has also issued an Interim Order for immediate compliance. 

1343275200 morEnergy Savings Corp. and Blue Power Distributed Energy Corp. EB-2012-0282

The Board gave written notice to morEnergy/Blue Power concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring morEnergy/Blue Power to comply and to pay an administrative penalty.

1342670400 Canada Energy Wholesalers Ltd. EB-2012-0279

The Board has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance by Canada Energy Wholesalers Ltd. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments.

1342670400 GreenPlus Points Inc. EB-2012-0308

The Board gave written notice to GreenPlus Points Inc. concerning the non-payment of their annual licence fee. The Board intends to make an order revoking the licence.

1342670400 Thunder Bay Fine Papers Inc. EB-2012-0309

The Board gave written notice to Thunder Bay Fine Papers Inc. concerning the non-payment of their annual licence fee. The Board intends to make an order revoking the licence.

1341892800 Access Gas Services (Ontario) Inc. EB-2012-0278

The Board gave written notice to Access Gas concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring Access Gas to comply and to pay an administrative penalty.

1341892800 Energhx Green Energy Corp. EB-2012-0280

The Board gave written notice to Energhx concerning allegations of non-compliance related to a condition of its licence certifying it complies with the requirements of the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order suspending Energhx’s licence.

1341892800 Hudson Energy Canada Corp. EB-2012-0281

The Board gave written notice to Hudson Energy concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring Hudson Energy to comply and to pay an administrative penalty.

1341892800 Onit Energy Ltd. EB-2012-0283

The Board gave written notice to Onit Energy concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring Onit Energy to comply and to pay an administrative penalty.

1316491200 Direct Energy Marketing Limited EB-2011-0347

The Board has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance by Direct Energy. The Assurance responds to a Board staff inspection of Direct Energy’s business practice in calculating early termination fees.

1314244800 Active Energy Inc./Active Energy Corp. EB-2011-0306

The Board gave written notice to Active Energy concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring Active Energy to comply, to pay an administrative penalty, and to suspend activities to enter into and renew contracts until the identified non-compliances have been remedied.

1314244800 Ag Energy Co-operative Ltd. EB-2011-0307

The Board gave written notice to Ag Energy Co-operative concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring Ag Energy to comply, to pay an administrative penalty, and to suspend activities to enter into and renew contracts until the identified non-compliances have been remedied.

1314244800 Bullfrog Power Inc. EB-2011-0308

The Board gave written notice to Bullfrog Power concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring Bullfrog Power to comply and to pay an administrative penalty.

1314244800 Canadian RiteRate Energy Corporation EB-2011-0309

The Board gave written notice to Canadian RiteRate concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring Canadian RiteRate to comply and to pay an administrative penalty.

1314244800 Direct Energy Marketing Limited EB-2011-0310

The Board gave written notice to Direct Energy concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring Direct Energy to comply and to pay an administrative penalty.

1314244800 Energhx Green Energy Corporation EB-2011-0311

The Board gave written notice to Energhx concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring Energhx to comply, to pay an administrative penalty, and to suspend activities to enter into and renew contracts until the identified non-compliances have been remedied.

1314244800 Just Energy Ontario L.P. EB-2011-0312

The Board gave written notice to Just Energy concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring Just Energy to comply and to pay an administrative penalty.

1314244800 morEnergy Savings Corp./Blue Power Distributed Energy Corp. EB-2011-0313

The Board gave written notice to morEnergy/Blue Power concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring morEnergy/Blue Power to comply, to pay an administrative penalty, and to suspend activities to enter into and renew contracts until the identified non-compliances have been remedied.

1314244800 MxEnergy Canada Ltd. EB-2011-0314

The Board gave written notice to MxEnergy concerning allegations of non-compliance related to a condition of its licence certifying it complies with the requirements of the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order revoking MxEnergy’s licence

1314244800 Planet Energy (Ontario) Corp. EB-2011-0315

The Board gave written notice to Planet Energy concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring Planet Energy to comply and to pay an administrative penalty.

1314244800 Summitt Energy Management Inc. EB-2011-0316

The Board gave written notice to Summitt Energy concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring Summitt Energy to comply and to pay an administrative penalty.

1314244800 Superior Energy Management Electricity LP/Superior Energy Management Gas LP EB-2011-0317

The Board gave written notice to Superior Energy concerning allegations of non-compliance related to the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and supporting regulatory instruments. The Board intends to make an order requiring Superior Energy to comply and to pay an administrative penalty.

1276747200 Summitt Energy Management Inc. EB-2010-0221

The Board gave written notice to Summitt Energy concerning allegations related to unfair practices engaged in by sales agents. The Board intends to make an order requiring Summitt Energy to comply, to pay an administrative penalty, and to suspend Summitt Energy’s licence.

1249358400 Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited EB-2009-0308

The Board gave notice to Toronto Hydro concerning allegations of non-compliance related to smart metering and smart sub-metering in new condominiums. The Board intends to make an order for compliance and to remedy contraventions that have occurred or prevent further contraventions.

1240459200 Direct Energy Marketing Limited EB-2009-0117

The Board gave notice to Direct Energy Marketing Limited concerning allegations of a sales agent making false, misleading or deceptive statements to a consumer. The Board intends to make an order requiring Universal Energy to pay an administrative penalty.

1240459200 Universal Energy Corporation EB-2009-0118

The Board gave notice to Universal Energy concerning allegations of sales agents making false, misleading or deceptive statements to consumers. The Board intends to make an order requiring Universal Energy to pay an administrative penalty.

1229922000 Summitt Energy Management Inc. EB-2009-0006

The Board gave notice to Summitt Energy concerning allegations of non-compliance related to reaffirmation practices. The Board intends to make an order requiring Summitt Energy to pay an administrative penalty.

1229922000 Universal Energy Corporation EB-2009-0005

The Board gave notice to Universal Energy concerning allegations of non-compliance related to Universal’s reaffirmation practices. The Board intends to make an order requiring Universal Energy to pay an administrative penalty.

1495684800 Active Energy Inc. EB-2017-0022, EB-2017-0223

The OEB gave written notice to Active Energy Inc. that it intends to make an order for compliance and payment of an administrative penalty as it is alleged that Active Energy has breached the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and associated codes and regulations.

1505966400 Utility Savings Corp. EB-2017-0291

The OEB gave written notice to Utility Savings Corp. that it intends to make an order to revoke its licences due to non-payment of its annual licence fees and other allegations related to its licences and the Code of Conduct for Gas Marketers and Electricity Retailer Code of Conduct. 

1516770000 London Hydro Inc. EB-2017-0017

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from London Hydro Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with sections 2.6.6 and of Distribution System Code concerning the allocation of partial payments of an invoice.

1554350400 Oxy Vinyls Canada Co. EB-2019-0107

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Oxy Vinyls Canada Co. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

1556510400 InnPower Corporation EB-2019-0090

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from InnPower Corporation, who was found to be out of compliance with the Affiliate Relationships Code for Electricity Distributors and Transmitters.

1556769600 Oakville Hydro Electricity Distribution Inc. EB-2019-0113

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Oakville Hydro Electricity Distribution Inc. regarding non-compliance with requirements of the Electricity Act, 1998 and the OEB’s Retail Settlement Code.

1557979200 Essar Steel Algoma Inc. EB-2019-0129

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Essar Steel Algoma Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.  

1566187200 Alexian Energy Services Inc. EB-2019-0197

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Alexian Energy Services Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to engaging in unit sub-metering without a licence.

1566273600 Festival Hydro Inc. EB-2019-0189

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Festival Hydro Inc. regarding non-compliance with requirements of the Electricity Act, 1998 and the OEB’s Retail Settlement Code.

1567051200 Gerdau Ameristeel Corporation EB-2019-0199

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Gerdau Ameristeel Corporation. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

1568001600 Wyse Meter Solutions Inc. EB-2019-0177

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Wyse Meter Solutions Inc. The Assurance relates to the manner in which Wyse’s fees and charges are disclosed to consumers, and to Wyse’s billing model for student residences where several students share a suite with a common electricity meter.

1572321600 NOVA Chemicals (Canada) Ltd. EB-2019-0262

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from NOVA Chemicals (Canada) Ltd. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

1574917200 Elexicon Energy Inc. EB-2019-0256

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Elexicon Energy Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to Elexicon Energy Inc.'s disconnection practices.

1583384400 Red Lake Gold Mines EB-2020-0086

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Red Lake Gold Mines. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

1584072000 CP Energy Marketing L.P. EB-2020-0097

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from CP Energy Marketing L.P. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

1585713600 Arauco Canada Ltd. EB-2020-0098

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Arauco Canada Ltd. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

1588651200 Wholesale Energy Sys EB-2020-0127

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Wholesale Energy Sys. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to retailing electricity without a licence.

1590465600 Wesdome Gold Mines EB-2020-0141

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Wesdome Gold Mines. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

1597291200 Oshawa PUC Networks Inc. EB-2020-0193

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Oshawa PUC Networks Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to Oshawa PUC Networks Inc. disconnection practices.

1597723200 Plant-E Corp. EB-2020-0166

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Plant-E Corp. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

1600228800 St. Marys Cement Inc. (Canada) EB-2020-0157

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from St. Marys Cement Inc. (Canada). The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence. 

1600660800 Newmarket-Tay Power Distribution Ltd. EB-2020-0216

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Newmarket-Tay Power Distribution Ltd. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to Newmarket-Tay Power Distribution Ltd.’s disconnection practices.

1600833600 ONIT Energy Ltd. EB-2020-0205

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from ONIT Energy Ltd. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the company not obtaining the consumer’s written permission prior to submitting a request to transfer their electricity supply to retail competitive supply.

1603857600 Rideau St. Lawrence Distribution Inc. EB-2020-0217

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Rideau St. Lawrence Distribution Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to Rideau St. Lawrence Inc.’s disconnection practices.

1604898000 ENWIN Utilities Ltd. EB-2020-0244

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from ENWIN Utilities Ltd. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to ENWIN Utilities Ltd.’s disconnection practices.

1605502800 E.L.K. Energy Inc. EB-2020-0170

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from E.L.K. Energy Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to E.L.K. Energy Inc.’s disconnection practices.

1607490000 Caesars Entertainment Windsor Limited EB-2020-0289

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Caesars Entertainment Windsor Limited. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

1609822800 InnPower Corporation EB-2020-0282

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from InnPower Corporation. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the company charging rates that were not in compliance with an OEB rate order.

1611118800 Alectra Energy Services Inc. EB-2020-0303

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Alectra Energy Services Inc., a licensed unit sub-meter provider which provides services to consumers under the trade name PowerStream Energy Services. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to Alectra Energy Services Inc.’s disconnection practices.

1613019600 Provident Energy Management Inc. EB-2021-0066

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Provident Energy Management Inc., a licensed unit sub-meter provider. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to Provident Energy Management Inc.’s disconnection practices.

1615179600 Essex Powerlines Corporation EB-2020-0304

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Essex Powerlines Corporation. Essex Powerlines provided the Assurance as a result of its self-reported non-compliance with regard to its disconnection practices.

1616990400 Goldcorp Canada Ltd. EB-2021-0094

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Goldcorp Canada Ltd. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

1618286400 ONIT Energy Ltd. EB-2021-0116

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from ONIT Energy Ltd., a licensed electricity retailer. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to ONIT Energy Ltd.’s sales practices.

1618977600 PUC Distribution Inc. EB-2021-0104

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from PUC Distribution Inc., a licensed electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to PUC Distribution Inc.’s disconnection practices.

1620619200 Milman Mining Inc. EB-2021-0139

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Milman Mining Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.  

1621396800 Eacom Timber Corporation EB-2021-0103

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Eacom Timber Corporation. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

1625457600 Air Products Canada Ltd. EB-2021-0193

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Air Products Canada Ltd. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

1626926400 Enbridge Gas Inc. EB-2021-0204

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Enbridge Gas Inc., a gas distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to Enbridge Gas Inc.’s disconnection-related practices.

1628049600 Cytec Canada Inc. EB-2021-0198

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Cytec Canada Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

1631505600 Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities Inc. EB-2021-0214

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to electricity bills issued based on individually metered usage without a unit sub-meter licence as required by the OEB.

1636347600 Hudson Energy Canada Corp. EB-2021-0102

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Hudson Energy Canada Corp. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the provision of electricity supply without valid customer authorization.

1645592400 Essar Power Canada Ltd. EB-2022-0008

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Essar Power Canada Ltd. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the generation and retailing of electricity without the required licences.

1646715600 E.L.K. Energy Inc. EB-2022-0078

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from E.L.K. Energy Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the company not maintaining records of its asset inspections as required by the OEB’s Distribution System Code.

1647230400 Greater Sudbury Hydro Inc. EB-2022-0105

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Greater Sudbury Hydro Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to self-reported non-compliance related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1647835200 Lafarge Canada Inc. EB-2022-0106

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Lafarge Canada Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

1650859200 Algoma Steel Inc. EB-2021-0328

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Algoma Steel  Inc., an electricity generator. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the electricity market without a generator licence.

1652932800 Compass Minerals Canada Corp. EB-2022-0153

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Compass Minerals Canada Corp., an electricity wholesaler. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the electricity market without a wholesaler licence.    

1655956800 Trilliant Networks (Canada) Inc. EB-2022-0182

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Trilliant Networks (Canada) Inc., a unit sub-metering provider. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the provision of sub-metering services without a licence.

1660795200 Chapleau Public Utilities Corporation EB-2022-0226

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Chapleau Public Utilities Corporation, an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1661140800 EPCOR Electricity Distribution Ontario Inc. EB-2022-0205

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from EPCOR Electricity Distribution Ontario Inc., a licensed electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to EPCOR Electricity Distribution Ontario Inc.’s disconnection practices.

1662955200 Halton Hills Hydro Inc. EB-2022-0206

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Halton Hills Hydro Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to self-reported non-compliance related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1663214400 Enbridge Gas Inc. EB-2022-0188

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Enbridge Gas Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to certain customer service quality requirements under the Gas Distribution Access Rule.

1668661200 ERTH Power Corporation EB-2022-0259

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from ERTH Power Corporation, an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1669698000 Oshawa PUC Networks Inc. EB-2022-0252

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Oshawa PUC Networks Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error. 

1669957200 Orangeville Hydro Limited EB-2022-0256

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Orangeville Hydro Limited, an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1670216400 Oakville Hydro Electricity Distribution Inc. EB-2022-0293

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Oakville Hydro Electricity Distribution Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.  

1670302800 Elexicon Energy Inc. EB-2022-0278

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Elexicon Energy Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1670389200 Tillsonburg Hydro Inc. EB-2022-0255

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Tillsonburg Hydro Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1670994000 Wasaga Distribution Inc. EB-2022-0292

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Wasaga Distribution Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1671598800 Essex Powerlines Corporation EB-2022-0271

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Essex Powerlines Corporation, an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1675054800 Alectra Utilities Corporation EB-2022-0299

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Alectra Utilities Corporation, an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1675227600 XOOM Energy ONT, ULC EB-2022-0143

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from XOOM Energy ONT, ULC, a licensed electricity retailer and gas marketer. The Assurance responds to an inspection into the company’s compliance with certain regulatory requirements for energy retailing.

1675227600 North Bay Hydro Distribution Limited EB-2023-0069

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from North Bay Hydro Distribution Limited, an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1675659600 Enova Power Corp. EB-2022-0287

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Enova Power Corp. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with requirements of the Electricity Act, 1998 related to the settlement of commodity costs.

1676264400 Newmarket-Tay Power Distribution Ltd. EB-2023-0064

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Newmarket-Tay Power Distribution Ltd., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1676437200 Kingston Hydro Corporation EB-2023-0063

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Kingston Hydro Corporation, an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1677474000 Dyno Nobel Nitrogen Inc. EB-2023-0082

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Dyno Nobel Nitrogen Inc., an electricity wholesaler. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the electricity market without a wholesaler licence.

1679371200 Weyerhaeuser Company Limited EB-2023-0089

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Weyerhaeuser Company Limited, an electricity wholesaler. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the electricity market without a wholesaler licence.

1682568000 Carmeuse Lime (Canada) Limited EB-2023-0107

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Carmeuse Lime (Canada) Limited, an electricity wholesaler. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the electricity market without a wholesaler licence.

1685419200 Synergy North Corporation EB-2023-0133

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Synergy North Corporation, an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.  

1686801600 Enbridge Pipelines Inc. EB-2023-0150

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Enbridge Pipelines Inc., an electricity wholesaler. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the electricity market without a wholesaler licence.

1687233600 Sioux Lookout Hydro Inc. EB-2023-0178

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Sioux Lookout Hydro Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1688011200 Atikokan Hydro Inc. EB-2023-0176

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Atikokan Hydro Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1688011200 Fort Frances Power Corporation EB-2023-0177

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Fort Frances Power Corporation, an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1688529600 Ellwood Energy Storage LP EB-2023-0155

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Ellwood Energy Storage LP, an electricity storage provider. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the electricity market without a storage licence.

1692244800 GrandBridge Energy Inc. EB-2023-0228

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from GrandBridge Energy Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1692331200 Champagne Centre Ltd. EB-2023-0154

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Champagne Centre Ltd. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 and supporting regulatory instruments.

1693540800 Entegrus Powerlines Inc. EB-2023-0257

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Entegrus Powerlines Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.  

1697601600 Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. EB-2023-0302

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1699333200 E.L.K. Energy Inc. EB-2023-0284

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from E.L.K. Energy Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1700197200 Milton Hydro Distribution Inc. EB-2023-0316

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Milton Hydro Distribution Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.  

1700715600 Heidelberg Materials Canada Limited EB-2023-0238

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Heidelberg Materials Canada Limited, an electricity wholesaler. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the electricity market without a wholesaler licence.

1702530000 Newmarket-Tay Power Distribution Ltd. EB-2023-0303

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance (AVC) from Newmarket-Tay Power Distribution Ltd. (NT Power), following an inspection into the company’s disconnection practices which were found to be non-compliant with OEB rules. This reflects the OEB’s ongoing commitment to consumer protection and fairness.

1702875600 Wellington North Power Inc. EB-2023-0347

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance (AVC) from Wellington North Power Inc., an electricity distributor. The AVC responds to non-compliance with the requirement to implement Green Button in Ontario by November 1, 2023.

1702962000 Priority Submetering Solutions EB-2023-0263

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Priority Submetering Solutions regarding non-compliance with requirements of the Section 2.1 (5) of the Ontario Regulation 363/16 made under Ontario Rebate for Electricity Consumers Act, 2016 (ORECA).

1710907200 ENWIN Utilities Ltd. EB-2024-0087

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from ENWIN Utilities Ltd., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1712289600 Algoma Tubes Inc. EB-2024-0088

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Algoma Tubes Inc., an electricity wholesaler. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the electricity market without a wholesaler licence.


1712721600 Festival Hydro Inc. EB-2024-0094

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Festival Hydro Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error. 

1715140800 Kingston Hydro Corporation EB-2024-0110

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Kingston Hydro Corporation, following an inspection into the company’s disconnection practices which were found to be non-compliant with OEB rules. This reflects the OEB’s ongoing commitment to consumer protection and fairness.  

1718683200 Rideau St. Lawrence Distribution Inc. EB-2024-0140

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Rideau St. Lawrence Distribution, an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1719288000 Renfrew Hydro Inc. EB-2024-0162

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Renfrew Hydro Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.


1724126400 Lakeland Power Distribution Ltd. EB-2024-0160

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Lakeland Power Distribution Ltd., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error. 

1724126400 Lakefront Utilities Inc. EB-2024-0171

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Lakefront Utilities Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1724212800 Norbord Inc. EB-2024-0194

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Norbord Inc., an electricity wholesaler. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the electricity market without a wholesaler licence.

1725508800 Ottawa River Power Corporation EB-2024-0154

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Ottawa River Power Corporation, an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1725508800 PUC Distribution Inc. EB-2024-0161

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from PUC Distribution Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1725508800 London Hydro Inc. EB-2023-0346

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from London Hydro Inc., an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.  

1726027200 InnPower Corporation EB-2024-0132

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from InnPower Corporation, an electricity distributor. The Assurance responds to non-compliance with its rate orders related to overcharging customers as a result of a billing system error.

1726632000 NorthernTel Limited Partnership EB-2024-0229

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from NorthernTel Limited Partnership, an electricity wholesaler. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the electricity market without a wholesaler licence.

1736139600 Orangeville Hydro Limited EB-2024-0275

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Orangeville Hydro Limited, a licensed electricity distributor. The Assurance addresses non-compliance related to the Global Adjustment Underbilling Error and the Loss Adjustment Error. 

1740546000 GC Project Inc. on behalf of GC Project LP EB-2024-360

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from GC Project Inc. on behalf of GC Project LP., an electricity retailer. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the electricity market without a retailer licence.

1742270400 Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. EB-2025-0080

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd., an electricity wholesaler. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the electricity market without a wholesaler licence.

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