Monitoring documents

Recommendations to Reconsider Existing Exemptions

The MSP has written to the IESO Markets Committee regarding exemption reconsideration for dispatchable loads.

Monitoring Document on Generator Offer Prices Used to Signal an Intention to Come Offline

The Market Surveillance Panel has adopted a new Monitoring Document regarding prices offered by generators in order to take a generating unit offline. The document outlines evaluative criteria that the Panel will use in monitoring for gaming in relation to prices offered by a generator in order to signal an intention to come offline. 


Aug 19-11

The MSP has considered the comments received in this consultation and has adopted the Monitoring Document on Generator Offer Prices Used to Signal an Intention to come Offline with certain revisions relative to the proposed version.

Jul 21-11

The MSP has received the following comments on the proposed Monitoring Document:

Jun 17-11

The Market Surveillance Panel of the Ontario Energy Board has issued for comment a proposed Monitoring Document regarding generator offer prices used to signal an intention to come offline.

Monitoring Offers and Bids


Mar 10-10

The MSP has considered the comments received in this consultation and has decided not to make further changes to the document.  The Monitoring of Offers and Bids document is now final.

Nov 23-09

The MSP has received comments on the Monitoring Bids and Offers document:

Oct 26-09

The Market Surveillance Panel has posted a document for public comment on Monitoring Bids and Offers in the IESO-Administered Electricity Markets:

Market Power Framework


Mar 10-10 The MSP would like to inform stakeholders that the Market Power Framework consultation was continued as the Monitoring Offers and Bids consultation. The Monitoring Offers and Bids consultation has now concluded.
Nov 22-07

The Market Surveillance Panel is providing the following note as an update on the status of the Market Power Framework.

May 8-07

The following submissions were provided by stakeholders in response to the request from the Market Surveillance Panel for written comments on the proposed Market Power Framework. The MSP will review these and may contact submitters for further clarification. Following this review and further consideration of the issues presented, the MSP will decide on the way forward and communicate this to stakeholders.

Feb 19-07

In response to stakeholders requests at the February 15 meeting, the Market Surveillance Panel is holding a second stakeholder workshop on February 28, 2007 to continue the review of sample applications of the proposed Market Power Framework. Also in response to a request at the February 15 meeting, the Panel is posting a background paper from 2002 which outlines their approach to monitoring and surveillance.

Feb 12-07

The Market Surveillance Panel is providing material for interested stakeholders participating in the workshop on February 15, 2007

Jan 9-07

The Market Surveillance Panel invites interested stakeholders to a meeting on January 17, 2007 to introduce the proposed framework.

Dec 1-06

The Market Surveillance Panel of the Ontario Energy Board issued a discussion paper regarding a proposed framework for identifying exercises of market power in the IESO-administered markets.

Consultation on Congestion Management Settlement Credits (CMSC)

Initial announcement and supporting material

On February 21, 2003, the Market Surveillance Panel (MSP) initiated a consultation regarding Congestion Management Settlement Credits (CMSC). To assist in this process, the MSP provided a discussion paper presenting their concerns and soliciting responses on some key issues.

Stakeholder feedback and MSP assessment

The MSP invited interested parties to respond in writing to these issues by March 31, 2003 and received the following submissions. Note: each responding party below approved publication of its submission, even though some submissions exhibit a "confidential" label.

Additional stakeholder contact and supporting material

On February 18, 2003 Market Assessment and Compliance Division (MACD) provided, on behalf of the MSP, a brief statement to the Market Advisory Council (MAC), previewing the MSP consultation and Discussion Paper. Some of the key issues were discussed at the meeting of the Market Operations Standing Committee (MOSC) on March 5, 2003.

CMSC payments and the related issues are among the more complicated aspects of the IESO marketplace. The MSP recommends referring to some of the background material prepared by Marketplace Training on this subject.


At the July 3, 2003 meeting of the IMO Board, the Market Surveillance Panel presented its report entitled: "Constrained Off Payments and Other Issues in the Management of Congestion" (pdf). The Board discussed the report, endorsed the recommendations and asked IMO Management to take action to implement them in on-going consultation with the Board. With respect to the elimination of constrained off payments, the Board agreed to address this issue if the Panel brings it forward at a later date.

Consultation on Proposed Changes to Market Monitoring Reporting

Initial Announcement and Supporting Material

On September 24, 2009, the Market Surveillance Panel (MSP) initiated a consultation regarding proposed market monitoring reporting changes. To assist in this process, the MSP provided a cover letter outlining the motivation for the consultation, a summary of the proposed changes, and a comparative summary of reporting characteristics by other market monitors in other jurisdictions.

Stakeholder Feedback

The MSP invited interested parties to comment on these proposed reporting changes and received the following submissions:


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