Market monitoring

Monitoring: Data Catalogue and Market Monitoring Indices

One of the important market oversight responsibilities of the Market Surveillance Panel is to monitor the performance of the IESO-administered markets. The Panel’s mandate in this area is set out in Article 4 of the OEB By-law #2 (pdf).

The MSP relies on the IESO’s Market Assessment Unit to monitor the market on a daily basis in order to identify inappropriate or anomalous conduct by market participants, or other activities having an adverse impact on market efficiency or effective competition. The MAU identifies anomalous behaviour, essentially actions by market participants or market outcomes that fall outside of predicted patterns or norms, tries to understand the underlying causes and reports its findings for further consideration by the Panel.

Market monitoring relies on access to the IESO’s confidential operating data. Some additional confidential information is required directly from market participants for the exclusive use of the MSP and the MAU. The Market Surveillance Data Catalogue developed in consultation with market participants, lists the types of data that market participants are required by the IESO’s Market Rules to submit. Market Manual 2.5 – Maintaining Surveillance Data and Amending the Data Catalogue, incorporates the data catalogue and details the process for submitting data. Submissions to the data catalogue are made using the Data Catalogue Submission Form.

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