OEB staff issue letters and bulletins to provide regulated entities with information or guidance about their legal and regulatory requirements. This guidance is intended to ensure that regulated entities are aware of and understand those requirements. The expectation is that this will promote compliance, which, in turn, will enhance public confidence that the interests of consumers are being protected.
Staff Bulletins are documents that provide OEB staff’s interpretation of legal and regulatory requirements. Bulletins are not binding on the OEB. While a Bulletin is not binding on regulated entities in the sense of being an "enforceable provision," regulated entities and other stakeholders can expect that OEB staff will follow the guidance in a Bulletin in the course of responding to enquiries, conducting inspections regarding compliance or enforcement matters. Commissioners do not formally approve Bulletins, although staff may seek guidance and advice as part of the Bulletin development process.
Staff also issues letters providing guidance to the industry regarding the implementation of new legal and regulatory requirements. The guidance provided by staff is intended to facilitate a consistent implementation of new requirements and may include new reporting to assure the OEB that the requirements have been implemented appropriately. Similar to Bulletins, these letters are not binding on the OEB; however, regulated entities are expected to follow the guidance and staff will rely on it in assessing applications, addressing complaints and conducting inspections to ensure compliance with the requirements.
Date Issued | Document |
Mar 20-25 | The OEB has issued a letter providing guidance to support electricity distributors in incorporating innovation-related proposals in their rate applications. |
Mar 13-25 | The OEB has issued a reminder to electricity distributors of their obligations under the Distribution System Code (DSC) regarding the Electric Vehicle Connections Procedure and the connection of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). |
Nov 05-24 | The OEB has issued a Bulletin providing staff’s guidance and expectations for electricity distributors in meeting their regulatory obligations to ensure timely customer connections. The expectations set out in this Bulletin will be taken into consideration by OEB staff in any compliance review or inspection regarding new load connections. |
Oct 29-24 | The OEB has issued a Staff Bulletin reminding licensed electricity distributors of their obligation under the Distribution System Code (DSC) to provide access to specific forms and information to facilitate connection of generation and storage facilities (Distributed Energy Resources or DERs) to the distribution system. Access to information supports customer choice by ensuring customers understand both technical and non-technical requirements, enabling informed investment decisions. |
Jun 12-24 | The OEB has issued a letter providing a draft update to the Accounting Guidance Related to Commodity Pass-Through Accounts 1588 & 1589, resulting from the Independent Electricity System Operator's (IESO) Market Renewal Program (MRP). This update is to assist electricity distributors in preparing for the changes under the MRP.
April 9-24 | The OEB has issued a letter providing guidance regarding the anticipated Code amendments that will be required when the IESO’s Market Rule amendments related to its Market Renewal Program take effect. The intent is to assist electricity distributors in understanding the type and scope of those Code changes as they prepare for Market Renewal. |
Aug 28-23 | The OEB has issued a letter summarizing recent guidance and resources to help electricity distributors in planning their systems for the efficient integration of electric vehicles (EVs). The letter also informs the sector of an expansion of scope to the Distributed Energy Resources Connections Review consultation to review matters relating to system readiness for EV charger connections. |
Aug 24-23 | The OEB has issued a Bulletin providing guidance to distributors regarding the basic connection for residential customers. The Bulletin also reminds distributors of their obligations under the Distribution System Code (DSC) in relation to residential subdivision connections and service upgrades. |
Feb 9-23 | The OEB has issued a letter providing guidance to electricity distributors on project cost apportionment to support the timely implementation of designated broadband projects. |
Jan 17-23 | The OEB has issued a Bulletin that sets out staff’s view that electricity distributors must charge customers on the Regulated Price Plan based on the customer’s choice of price plans – that is, Time-of-Use or Tiered pricing – even if the customer is net metered.
Dec 22-22 | The OEB has issued a letter reminding licensed electricity distributors that under the Distribution System Code (DSC), they have discretion, on a case-by-case basis, to extend the customer connection horizon that is used in distribution system expansions. |
Dec 19-22 | The OEB has issued a Bulletin that provides guidance to electricity distributors and the Independent Electricity System Operator on the administration of the rules in the Global Adjustment Regulation (O. Reg. 429/04) that allow Class A consumers to remain in the Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI) where their average monthly demand for electricity drops below the applicable eligibility threshold after participation in an eligible conservation initiative. |
Sep 29-22 | The OEB has issued a Bulletin that clarifies that a local community may choose an alternative solution to the optimal (i.e., most cost effective) solution identified to meet a need determined through a distribution planning or regional planning process, based on local preference. It also provides guidance in relation to how cost responsibility should be addressed in such cases. |
Sep 29-22 | The OEB has issued a Bulletin that clarifies the circumstances under which regulated electricity transmitters should allocate costs associated with network facility upgrades to a generator or load customer connecting to the transmission system. It updates and supersedes Compliance Bulletin 200606, issued September 11, 2006. |
Apr 20-22 | On March 24, 2022, the OEB issued guidance to licensees regarding changes to the implementation of the Ontario Electricity Rebate (OER). As mentioned in that letter, an updated OER notice form reflecting the changes for distributors to use is now available (in both English and French) including an instruction page for distributors in relation to filling out certain sections of the form. The use of this template is not mandatory. Distributors may revise it as appropriate, providing it contains all of the information required by section 1.3 of the General Regulation.
Mar 24-22 | The OEB has issued guidance to licensees regarding changes to the implementation of the Ontario Electricity Rebate. |
Mar 23-22 | The OEB has issued a Bulletin that sets out staff’s position that it will not take compliance action against electricity distributors who, despite exercising due diligence, are unable to obtain smart meters due to current supply constraints. |
Jan 14-22 | The OEB has issued guidance to regulated entities on the implementation of the 8.2 ¢/kWh fixed price that will apply to consumers on the Regulated Price Plan for all electricity consumption from January 18 to February 7, 2022. |
Jan 10-22 | To support Ontarians through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the OEB is once again temporarily increasing the flexibility of the Low-income Energy Assistance Program-Emergency Financial Assistance (LEAP EFA). In addition, the maximum value of grants amounts has been increased. |
Oct 25-21 | The OEB has issued a Bulletin that expresses staff’s view that an electricity distribution customer can qualify as an "eligible generator" for net metering purposes where the customer operates but does not own a renewable energy generation facility. |
Apr 26-21 | The OEB has issued guidance to electricity distributors related to the Global Adjustment “Peak Hiatus” and Eligibility for the Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI) for the 2021-2022 Adjustment Period. |
Jan 25-21 | The OEB has issued guidance to electricity distributors on the presentation of tiered prices and the associated cost of losses on consumer invoices. |
Dec 22-20 | The OEB has issued guidance to regulated entities on the implementation of the 8.5 ¢/kWh fixed price that will apply to all electricity consumption from January 1 to January 28, 2021 by consumers on the Regulated Price Plan. |
Aug 6-20 | OEB staff has issued a Bulletin that expresses staff’s view that behind-the-meter storage assets may be considered a distribution activity if the main purpose is to remediate comparatively poor reliability of service. |
Jul 17-20 | The OEB has issued a letter providing guidance to electricity and natural gas distributors and unit sub-metering providers related to enhanced funding for LEAP EFA. |
Jul 9-20 | The OEB has issued guidance to electricity and natural gas utilities regarding customer service rules related to disconnection of service for non-payment. |
Jun 1-20 | The OEB has issued a letter providing guidance to distributors and other regulated entities on the implementation of changes to time-of-use prices as of June 1, 2020. |
May 29-20 | The OEB has issued a letter to provide an overview of amendments made today by the Government of Ontario to the regulation governing the Global Adjustment (O. Reg. 429/04) to account for the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The letter also provides answers to some frequently asked questions related to the Industrial Conservation Initiative. |
May 6-20 | The OEB has issued guidance to regulated entities regarding the Government of Ontario’s May 6, 2020 extension of emergency time-of-use pricing. |
Apr 2-20 | The OEB has issued additional clarification and guidance to electricity distributors on the Regulated Price Plan settlement with respect to the Emergency Order. |
Mar 30-20 | The OEB has issued a letter providing guidance to unit sub-meter providers on providing relief to customers during the COVID-19 emergency. |
Mar 27-20 | The OEB has issued a letter providing guidance to electricity and natural gas distributors on providing relief to customers during the COVID-19 emergency. |
Mar 24-20 | The OEB has issued guidance to regulated entities to assist them in implementing the Government of Ontario’s March 24, 2020 Emergency Order. This Emergency Order fixes the electricity commodity price for Regulated Price Plan customers who are paying time-of-use prices at the off-peak price of 10.1¢/kWh for every hour of every day. |
Feb 24-20 | The OEB has issued guidance to licensees regarding changes to the implementation of the Ontario Electricity Rebate. |
Dec 6-19 | The OEB has issued further guidance to licensees regarding implementation of the Ontario Electricity Rebate. |
Oct 25-19 | The OEB has issued guidance to licensees regarding implementation of the Ontario Electricity Rebate. |
Aug 8-19 | Bulletin (pdf) providing guidance to electricity distributors on whether an approved "Notification Charge" may be applied to a customer in relation to collection activities. |
Oct 18-18 | Bulletin (pdf) providing guidance to electricity distributors on three related issues concerning the Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI) for the purpose of billing Global Adjustment (GA) charges.
1 These FAQs were initially issued as an Appendix to a letter issued by the OEB on May 29, 2020 that provided an overview of amendments made by the Government of Ontario to the regulation governing the Global Adjustment (O. Reg. 429/04). |
Nov 17-17 | The OEB has issued a letter to electricity distributors setting out new reporting requirements relating to winter reconnections. |
Jun 29-17 | The OEB has issued a letter containing guidance to licensed distributors, unit sub-meter providers, retailers and other interested parties on the implementation of the Fair Hydro Act, 2017. |
Jan 3-17 | To protect Ontario’s energy consumers and help ensure utilities are giving consumers every opportunity to avoid disconnection, the OEB has issued a letter to electricity distributors reminding them of the rules that they must follow regarding disconnecting and reconnecting a service. |
Jul 7-16 | Bulletin (pdf) stating that Electric Vehicle Charging Services do not require OEB regulation. It is not a distribution activity, does not constitute retailing electricity and does not generally fall under OEB oversight. |
Jun 9-15 | Bulletin (pdf) provides guidance in relation to changes to the presentation of costs associated with losses on invoices that are issued to low-volume electricity consumers on retailer contracts. |
Dec 3-14 | Bulletin (pdf) providing clarification for suppliers on RRR Reporting Requirements in relation to the reporting of the number of consumer complaints. |
Mar 19-14 | Bulletin (pdf) providing guidance in relation to the applicability of the licensing exemption for small generation facilities. |
Jun 27-13 | Bulletin (pdf) provides guidance in relation to changes to the presentation of costs associated with losses on invoices that are issued to low-volume electricity consumers. |
Mar 8-13 | Bulletin (pdf) providing guidance in relation to the date on which an electing spot consumer may commence or cease to be charged on the basis of spot market pricing under the Standard Supply Service Code. |
Dec 20-12 | Bulletin (pdf) providing guidance in relation to the application of section 80 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 to the construction of, or acquisition of an interest in, a generation facility by an electricity distributor or its affiliate. |
Apr 16-12 | Bulletin (pdf) providing guidance in relation to “network” or “multi-level” activities; and status of internet transactions effected while a salesperson is present.” |
Mar 15-12 | Bulletin (pdf) providing guidance in relation to requirements pertaining to the provision of business cards and to the form, content and displaying of identification badges when retailing or marketing to low-volume consumers. |
Mar 15-12 | Bulletin (pdf) providing guidance in relation to the refund to which a low-volume consumer may be entitled following the cancellation of a contract under the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and Ontario Regulation 389/10 (General) made under that Act. |
Mar 15-12 | Bulletin (pdf) providing guidance in relation to the application of section 22(4)(b) of Ontario Regulation 389/10 (General) made under the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 regarding the provision of written confirmation of cancellation of a contract with a low-volume consumer. |
Mar 15-12 | Bulletin (pdf) reminding licensed gas marketers and licensed electricity retailers of the obligation to annually file with the Board, by April 30, a self-certification statement on compliance. |
Apr 12-11 | Compliance Bulletin (pdf) providing guidance in relation to the application of the section 73 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 regarding the provision of street lighting services by affiliates of distributors, specifically in relation to the provision of those services outside of the affiliated distributor’s licensed service area. |
Dec 16-10 | Information Bulletin (pdf) reminding licensed natural gas marketers and licensed electricity retailers of the obligation to file a Certificate of Compliance and to receive from the Board written acknowledgement of it as a condition of entering into, renewing, extending or amending a contract with a low-volume consumer on and after January 1, 2011. |
Nov 5-10 | Compliance Bulletin (pdf) providing guidance in relation to the application of section 73 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 regarding the provision of street lighting services by affiliates of distributors. |
Sep 2-10 | Compliance Bulletin (pdf) providing guidance in relation to the application of the Board’s August 4, 2010 determination to mandate time-of-use pricing for Regulated Price Plan consumers. |
Jul 7-10 | Compliance Bulletin - Application of s. 71(3) of OEB Act (pdf) – provides guidance in relation to issues associated with the application of section 71(3) of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, regarding the ownership and operation of generation and energy storage facilities by electricity distributors. |
Mar 24-09 | Compliance Bulletin 200901 (pdf) provides guidance to smart sub-metering providers, unlicensed electricity distributors, and licensed electricity distributors in relation to the installation of sub-metering systems in residential complexes as defined in the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006. |
Mar 27-08 | Compliance Bulletin 200803 (pdf) is intended to provide guidance to licensed electricity retailers and licensed natural gas marketers in relation to the consumer authorization required for Service Transaction Requests relating to a change from one competitive supplier to another. |
Feb 19-08 | Compliance Bulletin 200802 (pdf) is intended to provide guidance to licensed electricity distributors with respect to the billing of net metered generators in accordance with Ontario Regulation 541/05 – Net Metering. |
Feb 15-08 | Compliance Bulletin 200801 (pdf) is intended to provide guidance to licensed electricity retailers and natural gas marketers in relation to persons that can authorize the supply of electricity or natural gas to residential premises. |
Oct 5-07 | Compliance Bulletin 200705 (pdf) is intended to remind licensed electricity distributors of their obligation under the Distribution System Code to provide fire and other public safety notices prior to disconnecting a property. |
Jul 11-07 | Compliance Bulletin 200704 (pdf) provides guidance to licensed electricity distributors and licensed electricity retailers in relation to the effective date of service transfers |
Apr 27-07 | Compliance Bulletin 200703 (pdf) contains important information regarding legal and regulatory requirements associated with metering, settlement and billing of embedded retail generation facilities. |
Apr 16-07 | Compliance Bulletin 200702 (pdf) contains important information regarding legal and regulatory requirements associated with the reaffirmation of energy contracts with low-volume consumers. |
Jan 25-07 | Compliance Bulletin 200701 (pdf) is intended to provide guidance to licensed electricity distributors in relation to the provision of electricity Conservation and Demand Management ("CDM") activities by distributors and distributor compliance with various legal and regulatory obligations. |
Jul 10-06 | Compliance Bulletin 200605 (pdf) is intended to provide guidance to licensed electricity distributors in relation to compliance with section 71(1) of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998. |
Jul 10-06 | Compliance Bulletin 200604 (pdf) is intended to provide guidance to licensed electricity distributors in relation to compliance with the Affiliate Relationships Code for Electricity Distributors and Transmitters. |
Jun 16-06 | Compliance Bulletin 200603 (pdf) contains important information for licensed electricity retailers and licensed electricity distributors regarding the final RPP variance settlement amount (FVSA) in relation to consumers that are enrolled by a retailer but remain on or return to the Regulated Price Plan (RPP). |
Jun 16-06 | Compliance Bulletin 200602 (pdf) is issued to remind licensed electricity distributors of the importance of complying with the Electricity Reporting and Record Keeping Requirements (the “Electricity RRR”). |
Feb 24-06 | Compliance Bulletin 200601 (pdf) is intended to provide guidance to licensed electricity distributors in relation to compliance with the requirement for independent directors under section 2.1.3 of the Affiliate Relationships Code for Electricity Distributors and Transmitters. (the “ARC”). |
Dec 9-05 | Compliance Bulletin 200514 (pdf) is intended to remind licensed electricity distributors of the importance of respecting the boundaries of the service area described in their respective electricity licences. |
Dec 9-05 | Information Bulletin 200513 (pdf) is intended to provide information in the case where a distributor may refuse to process a Service Transaction Request (“STR”) involving a change in a consumer’s electricity supply arrangements if a consumer is in arrears on payment to the distributor. |
Dec 9-05 | Compliance Bulletin 200512 (pdf) is intended to provide guidance to licensed electricity retailers and licensed gas marketers in relation to their obligation to ensure that their salespersons provide low-volume consumers with business cards and documents. |
Nov 3-05 | Information Bulletin 200511 (pdf) is issued to provide guidance to licensed electricity retailers and electricity distributors in relation to the ability of consumers who are eligible for the RPP to exit and return to the RPP. It also provides guidance in relation to which RPP prices the consumer shall pay upon returning. |
Sep 30-05 | Compliance Bulletin 200510 (pdf) is issued to provide guidance to licensed electricity retailers and licensed gas marketers in relation to the price structure of contracts offered to low-volume consumers in the context of statutory and regulatory price disclosure obligations. |
Sep 29-05 | Information Bulletin 200509 (pdf) is issued to provide important information regarding the manner in which licensed electricity distributors are to bill and account for the Global Adjustment/Provincial Benefit and in which licensed electricity retailers that use retailer-consolidated billing are to bill for the Global Adjustment/Provincial Benefit. This Bulletin applies only to consumers that are not on the RPP. For consumers that are on the RPP, an estimate of the Global Adjustment is included in the RPP price and is not invoiced separately. |
Sep 26-05 | Information Bulletin 200508 (pdf) is issued to clarify the manner in which the discount rate referred to in section 6.5.2 (e) and Appendix 5 of the Transmission System Code should be determined. |
Sep 12-05 | Information Bulletin 200507 (pdf) is issued to remind licensees that the revised Transmission System Code as issued by the Board on July 25, 2005, is now in force. |
Aug 3-05 | Information Bulletin 200506 (pdf) is issued to provide information to licensed electricity distributors and licensed electricity retailers regarding the Calculation of the Final RPP Variance Settlement Amount. |
May 30-05 | Compliance Bulletin 200505 (pdf) is issued to inform licencees of the Chief Compliance Officer’s expectations with respect to compliance with Distribution Licence conditions, in respect of providing access to power poles for cable television and telecommunications transmission lines. |
May 30-05 | Compliance Bulletin 200504 (pdf) is issued to inform licencees of the Chief Compliance Officer’s expectations with respect to compliance with the Distribution System Code, in respect of the disclosure to consumers of information in relation to security deposits. |
Apr 12-05 | Compliance Bulletin 200502 (pdf) is issued to communicate the Chief Compliance Officer's views on compliance with the requirement for electricity retailers to disclose certain price information to low-volume customers. |
Jan 21-05 | Information Bulletin 200501 (pdf) is issued to provide information to electricity distributors regarding the refund of consumer security deposits. |
Dec 23-04 | Information Bulletin 200407 (pdf) is issued to inform electricity distributors and retailers that the Business Protection Plan Rebate continues to be in effect past December 31, 2004. |
Jul 16-04 | Compliance Bulletin 200403 (pdf) is issued to assist licensees in properly applying the Primary Adjustment Factor to billing components of primary metered accounts. (This bulletin replaces Compliance Bulletin 200403 issued on July 16, 2004.) |
Jul 9-04 | Compliance Bulletin 200405 (pdf) is issued to remind electricity distributors and retailers of the process for exchanging information needed to calculate and disburse entitlements to Business Protection Plan Rebates (BPP Rebates) in accordance with Board-approved requirements. |
May 12-04 | Compliance Bulletin 200402 (pdf) is issued to assist licensees in properly calculating the DRC for primary metered accounts. |
May 7-04 | Compliance Bulletin 200401 (pdf) to Electricity Distributors and Retailers regarding the process of becoming exempt from the legislated commodity price for electricity to low volume and designated consumers. This bulletin clarifies the options and obligations for consumers who do not wish to participate in the statutory two-tier electricity pricing structure. (The information contained in this Bulletin has been superseded by legislation and should not be relied upon. Please consult the OEB’s Standard Supply Service Code and section 79.16 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998) |
May 17-02 | Licence Bulletin 200204 (pdf) to Gas Marketers and Electricity Retailers regarding licence compliance and marketing practices. |