Engage with Us

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Check out Engage with Us, the OEB’s digital engagement platform. Connect with us, learn more about OEB projects and provide feedback on our initiatives and consultations. Your ideas help inform our work and we want to hear from you!

The OEB’s Stakeholder Engagement Framework and Digital First Strategy highlighted the need for the OEB’s non-adjudicative policies to be developed through accessible, transparent and inclusive consultation processes. Engage with Us is a modern, strategic tool that responds to these recommendations from internal and external stakeholders.

Engage with Us provides a centralized location for OEB’s consultation projects in a user-friendly environment, available to you at any time. Here you will find key OEB initiatives such as consultations, advisory committee updates and special events like our Policy Day. When you register to the site, and become a participant, you can actively engage with us by providing your feedback and comments. You can also opt to ‘Stay Informed’ by subscribing to a specific project’s mailing list and receive updates on that project. 

We encourage you to take a moment to visit our site, learn about our projects and engage with us. Please click on the link below to be redirected to an external portal.

Engage With Us

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Note: This form is intended for general feedback only. To report a specific problem that‘s time sensitive and/or may need further follow up, or to file a complaint with the OEB about an energy company, please contact us directly at contact us.