Travel & Hospitality Expenses


This section provides regular updates on the travel, meal and hospitality expense claims of employees and appointees.

This section will show the person’s name and title, purpose of the trip(s), date and destination of the trip(s), names of government/agency attendees if applicable, plus a summary of expenses for relevant air fare, other transportation, accommodation, meals, hospitality and incidentals.

The OEB has been posting expense information since April 2010. Expense claims are reviewed prior to posting, by the Integrity Commissioner of Ontario.

Expense claim information for cabinet ministers and political staff as well as agency senior executives, appointees and the top five claimants of the designated agencies can be accessed through the Government of Ontario website as soon as possible after the claims are reviewed by the Integrity Commissioner.

All claims for reimbursement for travel and other expenses must comply with the principles and rules of the Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive.

The principles for reimbursement of expenses in the Directive include:

  • Taxpayer dollars are used prudently and responsibly with a focus on accountability and transparency.
  • Expenses for travel, meals and hospitality support government objectives.
  • Plans for travel, meals, accommodation and hospitality are necessary and economical with due regard for health and safety.

All expense claims are subject to oversight and approval and are reimbursed only if the expense is appropriate and reasonable.

Information on this website was accurate at the time of posting.

Corporate plans and reports
Last Updated