We are Ontario’s independent regulator of the electricity and natural gas sectors. We protect consumers and make decisions that serve the public interest. Our goal is to promote a sustainable and efficient energy sector, for today and tomorrow. We are an independent entity with a Board of Directors, a Chief Executive Officer, Chief Corporate Services Officer & General Counsel, Chief Operating Officer and Commissioners led by a Chief Commissioner.
How we’re structured
Our Board of Directors is appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. Our Chief Executive Officer and Commissioners are appointed by our Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors oversees the management of the OEB’s business and affairs, and is responsible for the governance of the OEB. The Chair of the Board of Directors is accountable to the Minister of Energy and Mines for the effective delivery of the OEB’s mandate and for ensuring the independence of decision-making by Commissioners and others that carry out the OEB’s adjudication work. Read the OEB's statement on independence. The Board of Directors has established committees to assist in carrying out its oversight role:
- The Adjudication Committee receives information from the Chief Commissioner on the efficiency and timeliness of our adjudication work, and reports that information to the Board of Directors.
- The Finance & Risk Committee provides oversight and recommendations to the Board of Directors on risk management and financial affairs, including reporting, disclosure, compliance, enterprise risk management and internal audit at the OEB.
In addition to these standing committees, an Innovation Task Force was established to examine the role of a modern regulator with respect to emerging energy sector technologies.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) reports to the Board of Directors and is responsible for the efficient and effective management and operations of the OEB, leading the Executive Leadership Committee in implementing the OEB’s operations and in developing, implementing and reporting to the Board of Directors on the OEB’s operations. The CEO is also tasked with making electricity Codes and natural gas Rules that govern the operations of many of the entities that we regulate. The Executive Leadership Committee consists of the CEO, the Chief Commissioner, the Chief Corporate Services Officer & General Counsel and the Chief Operating Officer.
The Chief Commissioner is responsible for ensuring the efficiency and timeliness of the OEB’s adjudication work, assigning Commissioners to preside over hearings and making Rules of Practice and Procedure that govern the hearing process. The Chief Commissioner reports to the Chief Executive Officer on the efficiency and timeliness of our adjudication work. Commissioners are responsible for making independent decisions on applications and other hearing matters that come before the OEB and to which they are assigned by the Chief Commissioner.
The Chief Corporate Services Officer & General Counsel provides executive leadership to the teams in People, Culture & Strategic Policy, Finance, Information Technology, Legal Services and Public Affairs.
The Chief Operating Officer provides executive leadership to the teams in Applications, Consumer Protection & Industry Performance, Office of the Registrar and Operations Decision Support.