2010 electricity distribution rate applications

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As part of its regulation of electricity distributors, the Ontario Energy Board established a multi-year electricity distribution rate setting plan which indicated that, commencing with 2008 rates, a limited number of distributors would be identified each year to file a future test year cost of service application based on Chapter 2 of the Board’s Filing Requirements, re-issued May 27, 2009. The plan would run for four years enabling each rate regulated distributor in the province to rebase its rates at least once during the four year plan.

For any of the other distributors seeking approval to change their distribution rates, distributors would file a mechanistic, formulaic update to their current rates based on the Board’s incentive regulation mechanism (IRM).

On January 29, 2009, the Board issued a letter identifying a list of 16 electricity distributors that would be subject to the cost of service process in 2010 and 23 in 2011.  The letter requested that any distributor wishing to change their filing year should file a letter with the Board by February 13, 2009. The Board received comments from a number of distributors requesting that they be moved from 2010 to 2011 and vice versa. These comments were posted on the Board’s website. On March 5, 2009 the Board issued the final list of 22 electricity distributors that are to file applications no later than August 28, 2009.

It is anticipated that the following distributors will file cost of service applications for rates effective May 1, 2010:

  • Burlington Hydro Inc.
  • Cambridge and North Dumfries Hydro Inc.
  • Chatham-Kent Hydro Inc.
  • Clinton Power Corporation
  • Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc.
  • Essex Powerlines Corporation
  • Festival Hydro Inc.
  • Haldimand County Hydro Inc.
  • Hearst Power Distribution Company Limited
  • Hydro Hawkesbury Inc.
  • Hydro One Distribution Inc.
  • Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro Inc.
  • Newmarket-Tay Power Distribution Ltd.
  • North Bay Hydro Distribution Limited
  • Oakville Hydro Electricity Distribution Inc.
  • Orangeville Hydro Limited
  • Orillia Power Distribution Corporation
  • Ottawa River Power Corporation
  • Renfrew Hydro Inc.
  • Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited
  • Veridian Connections Inc.
  • Whitby Hydro Electric Company

The following table contains links to select documents of a distributor’s rate application. These documents include:

  • The “Application” as filed by the distributor, provided as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file.
  • The “Notice of Application” issued by the Board and to be published by the distributor. The purpose of the Notice is to inform the affected ratepayers and other stakeholders of the application, its nature and the impact on affected customers.
  • For those distributors applying for rates based on COS, excel models filed in support of the application  such as the Cost Allocation model, Revenue Requirement Workform, etc.
  • For those distributors applying for rates based on IRM, the Application model used to calculate the revised rates and the Decision model which reflects the application model modified as necessary to reflect the Board’s Decision.
  • The Decision issued by the Board when it has adjudicated on the application and the subsequent Rate Order that reflects the Decision in the Tariff of Rates and Charges.
Related information:

Estimated Total Bill Impacts (pdf) (For those utilities whose Rate Orders have not yet been issued, no information is supplied in the bill impact chart. The chart will be updated as Rate Orders are released)

Estimated Total Bill Impacts for Hydro One Networks (pdf)



This table provides a list of select documents for each application. To view all documents for the application, click the case number associated with that particular distributor.

Click the column header to sort the table by DistributorProcess, Application Received or Updated on. Click the column again to switch between ascending/descending order. To filter results, start typing in the search field below. As you type the table will re-sort to only show rows that match what you type (e.g. typing 'Niagara' will show only the rows for Canadian Niagara Power Inc., Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. and Niagara-on-the-Lake Hydro Inc.).




Issue / Document

Mar 10-10

The Board has issued the assigned stretch factors for 2010 rates to be determined under the third generation incentive plan for electricity distributors.

Mar 5-10

The Board has announced the price escalator (or inflation index) for the 2nd and 3rd Generation Incentive Regulation mechanisms for adjusting electricity distribution rates effective May 1, 2010.

Consistent with the Board’s findings in its December 20, 2006 Report of the Board on Cost of Capital and 2nd Generation Incentive Regulation for Ontario's Electricity Distributors, the Board will use the annual percent change in the Implicit Price Index for National Gross Domestic Product (GDP-IPI) for Final Domestic Demand.  On March 1, 2010, Statistics Canada published the change for 2009 over 2008 as part of the National Economic Accounts.  The percent change is 1.3% (click for Statistics Canada referenceclick for Statistics Canada reference (2) ).

The Board will adjust the price escalator in each distributor’s Incentive Regulation model such that this change is reflected in the 2010 distribution rates for electricity distributors that are under the 2nd and 3rd Generation Incentive Regulation mechanisms.

Feb 24-10

The Board has issued a letter which sets out the Cost of Capital Parameter Updates for 2010 Cost of Service Applications.

Dec 7-09

The following are updates for the 2010 IRM applications.

Oct 15-09

The following are updates for the 2010 IRM applications.

Oct 2-09

The following are updates for the 2010 IRM applications.

Sep 4-09

The Board has posted updates for 2010 IRM Applications:

Aug 24-09

The Board has issued the 2010 electricity distribution incentive regulation mechanism (“IRM”) rate application models (the “2010 Rate Generators”), supporting filing modules, work forms and completion guidelines.

Aug 20-09

On Friday August 28, 2009, Board Staff will be conducting a webcast to help distributors apply for a May 1, 2010 rate adjustment based on the 2nd or 3rd Generation Incentive Regulation Mechanism (“IRM”).

Jul 31-09

The Board has issued its Report on Electricity Distributors’ Deferral and Variance Account Review Initiative.  The Board Report sets out the Board’s policy framework for the review and disposition of deferral and variance accounts for electricity distributors.

Jul 22-09

The Board has issued a revision to Guideline G-2008-0001 - Electricity Distribution Retail Transmission Service Rates.  This guideline outlines the information that the Board requires an electricity distributor file to seek approval to adjust its retail transmission service rates.  It should be used for both incentive regulation mechanism (“IRM”) and cost of service based rate applications for 2010 rates.

Jul 22-09

The Board has issued an update of Chapter 3 of the Board’s “Filing Requirements for Transmission and Distribution Applications” (the “Filing Requirements”).  This chapter outlines the information that the Board requires an electricity distributor file when it makes an application seeking approval for incentive regulation mechanism (“IRM”) based rates.  The Board is providing the updates to this Chapter now so that the requirements can be incorporated by any distributor filing an IRM application for 2010 rates.

Jul 3-09

The Board has issued a letter to all licensed electricity distributors regarding the process for 2010 Incentive Regulation Distribution Rate Applications.

May 27-09

Filing Requirements for Transmission and Distribution Applications

The Board has finalized its review of Filing Requirements for Transmission and Distribution Applications. The document posted here is the reference document for Transmitters and Distributors to use when filing for rate adjustments, for leave to construct approvals, and conservation funding.

Jan 29-09

The Board has issued a letter to all licensed electricity distributors and all other interested parties providing preliminary lists of 16 electricity distributors to be the group to have their rates rebased for 2010 rates and 23 electricity distributors for 2011. Parties wishing to comment on the proposed lists should direct their submission to the Board Secretary by 4:30 p.m. on February 13, 2009.  The Board expects to publish its final list of those distributors to be rebased for purposes of 2010 and 2011 rates by March 1, 2009.


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