Enabling the Implementation of an Ultra-Low Overnight Price Plan (EB-2022-0160) - Stakeholder Meeting

Policy consultation
9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Project page: https://engagewithus.oeb.ca/overnight-price-plan

Stakeholders who intend to participate in the meeting are asked to email notice of their intention to RPP.Price.Design@oeb.ca by Sept. 2, 2022. Emails should include “EB-2022-0160 Enabling the Implementation of an Ultra-Low Overnight TOU Price Plan” in the subject line and provide the following information:

- participant/organization name;
- name(s) of attendees to be registered; and
- a contact name, telephone number and email address.

Details about how to sign into the initial stakeholder meeting will be issued in due course.