Consultation on Time-of-Use Pricing Framework

Case number

Under the Regulated Price Plan (RPP), the Ontario Energy Board has set time-of-use (TOU) electricity prices for eligible consumers that have smart meters since May 2005.

The Board initiated a consultation process to assist it in determining whether there is a need to modify the current methodology for setting TOU electricity prices. On April 17, 2008, the Board posted a letter to inform interested parties of this initiative. The Board also posted a Staff Discussion Paper, Regulated Price Plan – Time-of-Use Prices: Design and Price Setting Issues (EB-2007-0672), that highlights some of the issues under consideration.

Date Issue / Document
July 22, 2009

The Board has issued a revised Regulated Price Plan Manual that incorporates changes announced by the Board in its letter of May 13, 2009, as well as references to econometric modeling in relation to the setting of time-of-use prices. The revisions also include changes designed to more generally update the Manual to: (a) reflect changes in law, evolution in the marketplace and other relevant developments that have occurred since this Manual was originally issued in March 2005; and (b) reflect the fact that the processes and methodologies described in this Manual have now been in use by the Board for a number of years. These latter changes affect, among other things, the information basis upon which the Board sets Regulated Price Plan prices, but do not otherwise affect in a substantive way the manner in which the Board sets those prices.

May 13, 2009

The Board has issued a Notice of Revision to the Regulated Price Plan Manual that changes time-of-use pricing periods and how global adjustment costs will be allocated and recovered through time-of-use prices.

April 17, 2008

The Board has posted a letter that explains how interested parties can participate in this consultation and a Staff Discussion Paper, Regulated Price Plan – Time-of-Use Prices: Design and Price Setting Issues (EB-2007-0672) that highlights some of the issues under consideration.