OEB Names New Chair and Member to the Market Surveillance Panel

The Ontario Energy Board has named Glenn Leslie as the new Chair of the Market Surveillance Panel (MSP) and Steve Dorey as a new Panel member effective August 6, 2013.

Toronto – Today the Ontario Energy Board named Glenn Leslie as the new Chair of the Market Surveillance Panel (MSP) and Steve Dorey as a new Panel member effective August 6, 2013.

The MSP monitors the province’s electricity markets on a daily basis to identify inappropriate or irregular activities that can have a negative impact on market efficiency or effective competition. The Panel may also identify actual or potential flaws and inefficiencies in the market rules.

The Panel then reports on, and where appropriate, investigates participants.

The Ontario Energy Board is an independent and impartial public agency. We make decisions that serve the public interest. Our goal is to promote a financially viable and efficient energy sector that provides consumers with reliable energy services at a reasonable cost.

Quick facts

  • Glenn is a partner emeritus at Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP. He was General Counsel to that firm from 2008 to 2012. Prior to that, Glenn was a partner in the Litigation and Competition law groups at Blakes, and was recognized as a leading practitioner of competition law in Canada.
  • Steve Dorey is former strategic advisor to the CEO of the Ontario Power Authority and former Senior Vice President of Strategic Planning at Hydro One. He is currently the Chair of the Energy Council of Canada’s Studies Committee and a member of the Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (WISE) Advisory Committee.

For more information, visit the Board’s Electricity Market Surveillance web page.