Information confidentiality

Section 4.3.1(8) of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, confirms that information that is held by the Market Surveillance Panel and that is designated by the Panel as “confidential” or “highly confidential” is confidential third party information for access to information purposes. Section 8.3.1 of the OEB Bylaw # 3 preserves the confidential or highly confidential status of documents or records so classified by the IESO prior to January 1, 2005. Some information relating to the confidentiality classification of market surveillance-related documents may no longer be available on the IESO website. To ensure that market participants do not lose access to this information, it is being posted on the OEB’s Market Surveillance Panel web pages.

The first item is the IESO’s Information Confidentiality Catalogue. The relevant parts of this document are page 67 (beginning at ID 469) to page 72 (ending at ID 691).

Information Confidentiality Catalogue (doc, 2.78 MB)

In order to put the above document in context, the market surveillance-related pages of the IESO’s Market Rules as at December 31, 2004 are available here. They can be found on pages 3-28 to 3-39 of Chapter 3 of the Market Rules:

Chapter 3 of IESO Market Rules as at December 31, 2004 (pdf)

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