Ontario Pipeline Coordinating Committee

Our Ontario Pipeline Coordinating Committee acts as an important bridge with industry, to coordinate various activities involving natural gas pipelines in the province.

Note: Information related to the Ontario Pipeline Coordinating Committee (OPCC) can be found on OEB's digital engagement platform, Engage with Us. Visit the OPCC page on Engage with Us.


What does the Ontario Pipeline Coordinating Committee do?

The Ontario Pipeline Coordinating Committee coordinates the review of natural gas projects in Ontario that require Ontario Energy Board approval – such as pipeline construction and projects related to the storage of natural gas in geological formations. It reviews environmental assessments, considers reports prepared by the energy companies and raises any concerns with applicants before they submit their applications to the Ontario Energy Board. The Committee’s mandate and the steps in its review process are set in the OEB Environmental Guidelines for Hydrocarbon Pipelines and Facilities in Ontario.

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