Consumer Panel

The OEB Power Panel, administered in partnership with Ipsos Canada, is our consumer panel. Made up of a large and diverse group of residential and small business consumers from all parts of Ontario, it provides an opportunity for the OEB to:

  • Discuss issues that are important to consumers
  • Gather ideas and provide feedback on the solutions and tools we are developing
  • Help assess the effectiveness of our outreach and communications activities.

The insights and perspectives of the Consumer Panel help us to better understand consumer needs and expectations so that we can improve our processes, provide better information and develop more effective tools to empower consumers. Their input also helps us strengthen the rules that apply to energy companies to better protect consumers.

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Note: This form is intended for general feedback only. To report a specific problem that‘s time sensitive and/or may need further follow up, or to file a complaint with the OEB about an energy company, please contact us directly at contact us.