Whats new - 2025-01-23

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) announced that, after five years in the role, Chief Executive Officer Susanna Zagar will be leaving the organization following the appointment of her replacement.

As part of the implementation of the recommendations of the Modernization Review Panel from 2019, Susanna took on the newly-formulated modernized CEO role in 2020. After an initial two-year term, Susanna was re-appointed as CEO by the OEB Board of Directors. During her term, Ontario’s energy sector has undergone rapid change and Susanna’s leadership has been marked by a commitment to consumer protection, stakeholder engagement and effective regulation of the energy sector.

OEB Board Chair, Mark White, thanked Susanna for her leadership of the OEB through its modernization, COVID-19 disruption and a period of rapid energy sector change. He stated his appreciation for her commitment to meeting stakeholder demands and to a smooth transition to new leadership. In particular, Mr. White noted her many accomplishments: "Susanna took on the leadership of the OEB at a pivotal time as it implemented a new governance and regulatory structure. She nurtured a culture of dedicated public service and has been at the forefront of helping to manage a successful energy transition in Ontario. On behalf of the Board and the OEB employees, we thank Susanna for her thoughtful and engaged leadership and for her public service to the people of Ontario."