Newmarket-Tay Power Distribution Ltd.

Current applications before the Board

Title: Newmarket-Tay Power Distribution Ltd. (EB-2024-0309) - Application for Disposition and Consolidation of Deferral and Variance Accounts

Case number: EB-2024-0309


Filed: February 27, 2025

On February 11, 2025, Newmarket-Tay Power Distribution Ltd. (NT Power) filed an application with the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) under section 78 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998. The application seeks approval to dispose of certain legacy Group 2 deferral and variance account (DVA) balances and to consolidate all DVAs for its two rate zones, the Midland rate zone and the Newmarket-Tay rate zone. In order to minimize the frequency of rate changes to its customers, NT Power requests that rate riders from the proposed disposition be effective from May 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025, to align with the expiry of certain existing rate riders on April 30, 2025 as well as NT Power’s 2026 rate year effective January 1, 2026.

Type: Rates, Accounting Order

This application will be heard using the Accounting Order performance standard (pdf). View an expanded timeline (pdf) of the procedural steps for this Rates application.

Find out more about OEB Performance Standards for Processing Applications and use the Application Planning Tool to assist you with an estimate of the milestones in this proceeding.

See the application notice 
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There are three ways to participate in the OEB hearing process: as an Intervenor, submitting a Letter of Comment or to Follow a Proceeding.

This table illustrates the different levels of participation. Find out more about participating in an OEB hearing, including becoming an intervenor.

Participation ActivitiesIntervenorLetter of CommentFollow a Proceeding
Receive OEB-issued documents by email
Submit a Letter of Comment
Listen to live broadcast of the oral hearing
Participate in oral hearing
Present Evidence
Respond to questions about evidence
Ask other parties to the proceeding questions
Provide argument

See application details and how to participate

Contact this Utility:

590 Steven Court
Newmarket ON L3Y 6Z2
Number of customers
94 sq. km
Total size of service area
1,030 km
Total km of electricity line

The electricity utility scorecards measure how well Ontario's electricity utilities are performing each year. It is designed to encourage utilities to operate effectively, continually seek ways to improve productivity and focus on improvements that their customers value. Utilities report their scorecard performance results annually, and make the results available to the public. 

The scorecard can be used as a tool for consumers to assess for themselves the value of the service received from their electricity utility. For example: 

  • When service appointments are booked with my utility, how often did they show up on time?
  • How often did my power go out, and how long did the utility take to fix the problem and restore power? 
  • How successful is my utility at issuing accurate bills? 
  • Did my utility answer phone calls from customers in a timely way?

Use our report generator tool to compare costs and performance between distributors

New residential/small business services connected on time
97.45% (2023)

The utility must connect new service for the customer within five business days, 90 % of the time, unless the customer agrees to a later date. This timeline depends on the customer meeting specific requirements ahead of time (such as no electrical safety concerns in the building, customer's payment information complete, etc.)

Target met
OEB Target = 90%
2013 100%
2014 100%
2015 100%
2016 100%
2017 99.77%
2018 100%
2019 100%
2020 98.12%
2021 96.28%
2022 95.32%
2023 97.45%

Scheduled appointments met on time
96.85% (2023)

For appointments during the utility's regular business hours, the utility must offer a window of time that is not more than four hours long, and must arrive within  that window, 90 % of the time. 

Target met
OEB Target = 90%
2013 94.9%
2014 96.5%
2015 98%
2016 99.8%
2017 99.91%
2018 99.99%
2019 99.9%
2020 98.87%
2021 98.71%
2022 96.37%
2023 96.85%

Telephone calls answered on time
77.03% (2023)

During regular call centre hours, the utility's call centre staff must answer within 30 seconds of receiving the call directly or having the call transferred to them, 65 % of the time

Target met
OEB Target = 65%
2013 83.6%
2014 84.9%
2015 84%
2016 81.8%
2017 76.64%
2018 70.86%
2019 68.58%
2020 73.64%
2021 54.76%
2022 47.21%
2023 77.03%

Billing accuracy
99.94% (2023)

An important part of business is ensuring that customer's bills are accurate. The utility must report on its success at issuing accurate bills to its customers.

More information about billing accuracy

Target met
OEB Target = 98%
2014 99.98%
2015 99.98%
2016 99.99%
2017 99.95%
2018 100%
2019 80%
2020 99.94%
2021 99.73%
2022 99.84%
2023 99.94%

0.07 (2023)

This metric measures the number of complaints the Ontario Energy Board received from customers about matters within our authority. Complaints made directly to the utility are not reported here. We measure this per 1000 customers so utilities that serve much larger or smaller populations can be compared against each other. 

Year Complaints per 1000 customers Total number of complaints
2013 0.09 3
2014 0.11 4
2015 0.11 4
2016 0.14 5
2017 0.14 5
2018 0.07 3
2019 0.07 3
2020 0.02 1
2021 0.16 7
2022 0.16 7
2023 0.07 3

Average number of hours power to a customer was interrupted
1.39424h (2023)

An important feature of a reliable distribution system is recovering from power outages as quickly as possible. The utility must track the average length of time, in hours, that its customers have experienced a power outage over the past year. 

2013 0.78h
2014 0.68h
2015 0.58h
2016 0.418043h
2017 0.416231h
2018 0.660872h
2019 0.782434h
2020 0.97634h
2021 0.629215h
2022 1.56134h
2023 1.39424h

Average number of times power to a customer was interrupted
0.881631 (2023)

Another important feature of a reliable distribution system is reducing the frequency of  power outages. Utilities must also track the number of times their customers experienced a power outage during the past year.

More information about interruption frequency

2013 0.54
2014 0.79
2015 0.67
2016 0.571915
2017 0.538418
2018 0.783939
2019 0.703879
2020 0.525537
2021 0.526129
2022 0.675761
2023 0.881631

Efficiency rating
2 (2023)

The utility must manage its costs successfully in order to help assure its customers they are receiving value for the cost of the service they receive. Utilities' total costs are evaluated to produce a single efficiency ranking. This is divided into five groups based on how big the difference is between each utility's actual and predicted costs. Distributors whose actual costs are lower than their predicted costs are considered more efficient.

  • 1 = Actual costs are 25% or more below predicted costs
  • 2 = Actual costs are 10% to 25% below predicted costs
  • 3 = Actual costs are within +/- 10% of predicted costs
  • 4 = Actual costs are 10% to 25% above predicted costs
  • 5 = Actual costs are 25% or more above predicted costs
2013 2
2014 2
2015 2
2016 2
2017 2
2018 2
2019 3
2020 2
2021 2
2022 2
2023 2

Cost per customer
$783 (2023)

A simple measure that can be used as a comparison with other utilities is the utility's total cost per customer. 

Total cost is a sum of all the costs incurred by the utility to provide service to its customers. The amount is then divided by the utility's total number of customers. This amount does not represent how much customers pay for their utility services.

More information about Cost per Customer

2013 $543
2014 $566
2015 $579
2016 $600
2017 $621
2018 $657
2019 $678
2020 $644
2021 $649
2022 $705
2023 $783