Wataynikaneyap Power LP - 2025 Rates


Wataynikaneyap Power LP is the owner and operator of a new transmission system in northwestern Ontario that reinforces the transmission system to Pickle Lake and connects certain remote First Nations communities to the provincial electricity transmission system. The transmission system came into service in segments from August 2022 to May 2024. Wataynikaneyap Power LP has applied to the Ontario Energy Board for approval to change its electricity transmission rates and its fixed charge to Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. effective January 1, 2025. If the application is approved as filed, the monthly bill of a typical residential customer and a typical general service customer would increase by the following amounts:

Residential (750 kWh)$0.14 per month
General Service less than  50 kW (2,000 kWh)$0.35 per month

Any change to the provincial transmission rate will be reflected on the delivery line of the electricity bill for all electricity customers in Ontario. Wataynikaneyap Power LP has also applied to dispose of the balances in certain deferral and variance accounts. Please review the application for additional information on the requests.

Type: Rates

This application will be heard using the Cost-Based <$500 million Revenue Requirement performance standard (pdf). View an expanded timeline (pdf) of the procedural steps for this Rates application.

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You can submit a letter of comment that will be considered by the panel deciding the application. Unless the notice states otherwise, your letter of comment will be accepted until the record of the proceeding is closed (which usually occurs with the filing of the applicant’s final reply argument). However, you are encouraged to submit your letter as early in the process as you can. Depending on timing of receipt of letters of comment, the applicant will typically provide a respond to the issues raised in those letters. Your letter will be provided directly to the panel of Commissioners who will be deciding whether the application is approved. The panel will consider your comments in reaching their decision. The panel will only be able to consider comments which relate to issues which are within the authority of the OEB and relevant to the issues being considered by the panel.

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If you would like a response from the applicant, please send a copy of your letter directly to the applicant, including your personal contact information. The OEB removes your personal contact information from your letter for privacy reasons before it is posted to our website.

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Ontario Energy Board
P.O. Box 2319
2300 Yonge Street, 27th Floor
Toronto ON M4P 1E4
Attn: Registrar