Full-time Vice-Chair and Board Members Announced at the Ontario Energy Board

The OEB announced today that Christine Long has been appointed as the OEB’s second Vice-Chair. As well, Allison Duff has been appointed as a full-time Board member and Cathy Spoel’s term as a part-time Board member has been renewed.

Toronto, ON – Rosemarie Leclair, Chair and Chief Executive Officer of the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) announced today that Christine Long has been appointed as the OEB’s second Vice-Chair. As well, Allison Duff has been appointed as a full-time Board member and Cathy Spoel’s term as a part-time Board member has been renewed.


"I am pleased to inform you that Cabinet has approved these appointments to ensure a strong team is in place at the OEB to deliver on our ambitious adjudicative and regulatory responsibilities. The OEB looks forward to working with them in their new capacity, and continuing our important work serving Ontario’s energy consumers.” — Rosemarie Leclair, Chair and CEO

Christine Long was appointed Vice-Chair of the Board in May 2016 and has been a full-time Board member since June 2012. She is a Toronto-based lawyer with a distinguished career in the energy sector as counsel and partner at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP. Ms. Long has extensive experience and expertise in the areas of energy regulation, litigation and corporate law. She also has experience as former in-house counsel at the Independent Electricity System Operator. During her career, Ms. Long has appeared as counsel in various regulatory proceedings before the Ontario Energy Board in the areas of mergers, acquisitions and licensing.

Allison Duff was appointed as a full-time Board member in April 2016 and has been a part-time member since February 2013. Ms. Duff is an independent consultant with extensive regulatory and internal controls experience. A former banking Vice-President and Controller, she has a Master of Arts in Economics and Bachelor of Commerce and Finance. She was a staff member of the Ontario Energy Board during price deregulation and market restructuring, and has also appeared before the Board on behalf of the Consumers Council of Canada.

Cathy Spoel was reappointed to the Board as a part-time member in April 2016 and has served the OEB in this capacity since October 1999. She is a lawyer with more than 15 years of experience in administrative law, with a focus on land use planning, environmental, municipal and energy law. Ms. Spoel has an honours degree in mathematics and a Master’s degree in law, specializing in alternative dispute resolution. She was called to the Ontario Bar in 1983.

Board members