OEB To Release Decision On Toronto Hydro’s 2015-2019 Distribution Rate Application

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) will be releasing the decision regarding Toronto Hydro’s 2015-2019 rate application at approximately 4 p.m. today. The OEB is making advance copies available for confidential review by parties in a lock-up prior to its public release. The lock-up starts at 2 p.m. at the OEB’s offices.

    Toronto, ON – The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) will be releasing the decision regarding Toronto Hydro’s 2015-2019 rate application at approximately 4 p.m. today. 

    The OEB is making advance copies available for confidential review by parties in a lock-up prior to its public release. The lock-up starts at 2 p.m. at the OEB’s offices. 

    All individuals participating in the lock-up will be required to remain in their assigned room until the decision is released publicly. The use of cellular phones or other external communication devices is not permitted during the lock-up. 

    Media wishing to participate in the lock-up must send an e-mail to BoardSec@ontarioenergyboard.ca by 1 p.m. today. 

    Participants must arrive at the Ontario Energy Board’s reception area on the 27th floor, 15 minutes prior to entering the lock-up. All participants will be required to sign in upon entrance to the room. 


    Ontario Energy Board 
    2300 Yonge Street 
    Toronto, Ontario 
    27th Floor 

    About The OEB 

    The Ontario Energy Board is an independent and impartial public regulatory agency. We make decisions that serve the public interest. Our goal is to promote a sustainable and efficient energy sector that provides consumers with reliable energy services at a reasonable cost.