Archive - Corporate governance and reports

The archived material below is provided for historical purposes only. Current versions can be found on Corporate governance and reports.

Process Improvements

The Report with Respect to Decision-Making Processes at the OEB contains recommendations for the greater use of codes, rules and guidelines for policy making, in order to enhance how parties participate in hearings, and new approaches to settlement. Implementation of some of these recommendations may require changes to the OEB's Rules of Practice and Procedure. The Report also contains recommendations regarding the role of staff in hearings. These recommendations have been implemented.

December 1, 2011 - The OEB initiated a process to develop a systematic framework to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of its policies. The OEB believes that an evaluation framework for Board policy could be an important tool to:

  • assess whether the objectives of its policies have been met; and
  • encourage continuous improvement (as on-going monitoring may reveal issues that can be addressed).

The Staff Report to the Board on the Proposed Evaluation Framework sets out the framework to achieve these goals.

Regulatory Cost Measures

The OEB posted a survey and report prepared by Elenchus Research Associates on behalf of the OEB. The survey looks at practices of regulators in other jurisdictions with regard to regulatory cost measures. The report presents its findings and makes recommendations to the OEB.


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