Open Data

Data Inventory

Ontario's Digital and Data Directive ensures the delivery of high-quality digital services and access to public government data, unless it is exempt for legal, privacy, security, confidentiality or commercially-sensitive reasons. The directive sets out key principles and requirements for the design of digital services and the sharing of open government data assets.

For more information:

For guidance on how to import and use the published XML data files:


The Yearbooks of Electricity Distributors and the Yearbooks of Natural Gas Distributors provide financial and operational information collected from distributors. Information presented in the Yearbooks is compiled from data submitted through the Reporting and Record-Keeping Requirements (RRR). Information that is kept confidential under the RRRs is not included here.

Update Frequency: Annually
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Note: This form is intended for general feedback only. To report a specific problem that‘s time sensitive and/or may need further follow up, or to file a complaint with the OEB about an energy company, please contact us directly at contact us.