The OEB issued proposed amendments to several regulatory instruments. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to implement a minimum mandatory record retention period of current calendar year plus nine (9) years (Mandatory Record Retention Period), for all records that regulated entities are required to maintain pursuant to the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, other applicable statutes and regulations thereunder, the OEB’s regulatory instruments, licences and OEB orders (collectively referred to as Regulatory Instruments). The proposed amendments apply to all regulated entities, including electricity distributors, transmitters, generators and retailers, unit sub-metering providers and the IESO, as well as gas distributors and marketers.
The Mandatory Record Retention Period is applicable to documents required explicitly or by reasonable inference, by statutes and regulations, as well as the OEB regulatory instruments.
The OEB will treat the Mandatory Record Retention Period for records that are required for regulatory purposes as an enforceable provision.