As Ontario’s independent energy regulator, we develop policy that contributes to a sustainable and reliable energy sector and protects consumers. The Minister of Energy and Electrification also calls on us to implement special requirements – called directives – and to provide expert and impartial advice on important policy initiatives.
How we develop new policies
When we develop new policies, we engage energy companies, energy-related agencies, public interest groups and consumers. Some of our practices include:
Stakeholder meetings, working groups and industry task forces
Public consultations and meetings with Indigenous Communities
Review of practices in other provinces or countries
You can search for consultations by entering keywords in the search box below. As you type, the table will automatically refresh to only show consultations that match your keyword(s).
The OEB is amending two of its Codes to facilitate the implementation of the renewed market under the Market Renewal Program (MRP) which the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) has indicated it is targeting to go live on May 1, 2025.
The OEB is launching a consultation to develop a policy framework to set expectations for electricity distributors regarding the development of Distribution System Operator capabilities. This is in response to the Minister of Energy and Electrification’s December 2024 Letter of Direction to the OEB.
The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) is conducting a consultation to advance its performance-based approach to rate regulation. The objective of this initiative is to develop ways to strengthen the link between what electricity distributors earn and the achievement of outcomes consumers value, such as cost-effectiveness, reliability and customer service.
The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) is launching a consultation to support a review and evaluation of its Incremental Capital Module (ICM) policy. The review will be informed by previous ICM applications, as well as ICM-related comments received from stakeholders during the OEB’s consultation to review and update the Handbook to Electricity Distributor and Transmitter Consolidations.
The OEB has launched the VASH project to address the Ministry of Energy’s letter to the OEB to develop and implement policies to improve distribution sector resiliency, responsiveness and cost efficiency in response to the challenges posed by climate change.
Consultation to review EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership Aylmer’s five-year natural gas supply plan and South Bruce’s Annual Update to its natural gas supply plan.
The OEB is undertaking a review of the connection-related sections of the Transmission Systems Code (TSC) to enhance the effectiveness of connection processes, procedures, and requirements.
Stakeholder consultation on a proposed update to the OEB’s Filing Guidelines for Ontario Power Generation (OPG), which outline filing expectations for payment amounts applications and related matters under section 78.1 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 (the Act).
Consultation on proposed revisions to the OEB’s current requirements for Indigenous consultation as set out in the OEB’s Environmental Guidelines for the Location, Construction and Operation of Hydrocarbon Pipelines in Ontario.
Review of the OEB's current performance standards for natural gas facilities applications, specifically Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, Municipal Franchise Agreements, Storage and Well Drilling.
Working group to assess opportunities for reducing regulatory burden associated with the filing and review process of major rate applications for very small electricity distributors.
Consultation to review and update the OEB’s Handbook to Electricity Distributor and Transmitter Consolidations (MAADs Handbook), and associated Filing Requirements for Consolidation Applications.
Review of LEAP EFA that includes LEAP EFA’s funding mechanism, eligibility criteria, grant amounts as well as performance metrics to measure the effectiveness of the program.
Working with electricity transmitters and distributors to address cyber security business risks in a consistent manner that achieves the OEB’s expectations for reliability, security and privacy.
Consultation to inform a report for the Minister of Energy regarding proposals to improve distribution sector resiliency, responsiveness and cost efficiency in response to the challenges posed by climate change.
The OEB has prepared a draft update to the Chapter 4 Filing Requirements that will provide guidance on electricity transmission leave to construct applications and related matters under Part VI of the Ontario Energy Board Act.
Consultation to gather feedback on opportunities to streamline the data collected through Reporting and Record-keeping Requirements (RRR), improve the systems used to collect that data and consider new areas of interest for data collection.
The Electric Vehicle Integration (EVI) initiative is intended to inform actions the OEB may take to ensure the efficient integration of electric vehicles (EVs) with the electricity system.
The energy transition is a global shift away from using fossil fuels (like oil, gasoline and coal) to a more sustainable, renewable energy future that includes more innovation and customer choice.
Consultation to discuss how to enable implementation of a new optional Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) price plan for electricity consumers on the Regulated Price Plan (RPP).
The OEB is working with the Independent Electricity System Operator to develop a plan to design and implement a dynamic electricity pricing pilot to assess the benefits for Class B consumers that don’t pay Regulated Price Plan (RPP) prices.
The Green Button industry-led working group (GB IWG) is a forum for distributors and other interested stakeholders to address issues that arise as distributors go through the process of implementing Green Button during the two-year implementation period.
The Minister of Energy asked the OEB to report back and advise on the design(s) of an optional enhanced Time-of-Use (TOU) rate to further incent demand-shifting away from peak periods to lower-demand periods.
Integrated Resource Planning is a planning strategy and process that evaluates and compares demand-side and supply-side alternatives to pipeline infrastructure in meeting natural gas system needs.
As part of the OEB’s leadership role related to DSM evaluation, measurement & verification (EM&V), the OEB, through its third party Evaluation Contractor, will review annual gas utility DSM program results.
Information on the implementation and evaluation of non-wires solutions, including Board-approved CDM Programs and other electricity conservation matters