CDM Code For Electricity Distributors

Case number

On September 9, 2009, certain sections of the Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 (the “Green Energy Act”) were proclaimed. The Green Energy Act amended section 27.2 of the Act and stated that a directive may require the Board to specify, as a condition of licence, conservation and demand management targets for electricity distributors. The Minister of Energy and Infrastructure has now issued a directive, dated March 31, 2010, to the Board under sections 27.1 and 27.2 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 (the “Directive”). 

The Directive requires the Board to issue a code that includes rules relating to the reporting requirements and performance incentives associated with the CDM Programs. These rules also relate to the planning, design, approval, implementation and the evaluation, measurement and verification of Board-Approved CDM Programs and to such other matters as the Board considers appropriate.

See also: CDM Strategies, Board-Approved CDM Programs, Performance Incentive and Annual Reports

Date Issue / Document
December 20, 2012

The Board has issued its “Conservation and Demand Management Report – 2011 Results”. This report summarizes the first year of Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) results as reported by electricity distributors. Each distributor is required to report annually on its progress toward meeting CDM targets set by the Ontario Energy Board. They are expected to reach those targets by the end of 2014.

November 1, 2010

Board Staff has compiled a list of questions and their responses based on the CDM Webinar that was held on October 15, 2010.

October 15, 2010

Board Staff conducted a Webinar for electricity distributors on the CDM Code (CDM Strategy, Board-Approved Programs and Annual Reports).

September 16, 2010

The Board has issued the Conservation and Demand Management Code For Electricity Distributors.

July 23, 2010

The Board has posted stakeholder comments on the draft Conservation and Demand Management Code for Electricity Distributors.

June 22, 2010

The Board has issued for comment a Notice of Proposal To Issue A New Code and a draft Conservation and Demand Management Code For Electricity Distributors.