On January 5, 2012, the Board issued for comment a new set of Guidelines for Electricity Distributor Conservation and Demand Management (CDM). The CDM Guidelines provide more specific guidance on certain provisions in the CDM Code and what evidence should be filed by distributors in support of an application for Board-Approved CDM programs. The CDM Guidelines include sections on CDM targets in relation to Time-of-Use pricing and savings resulting from pre-2011 Ontario Power Authority (“OPA”)-Contracted Province-Wide CDM programs; duplication with OPA programs; OPA program establishment; reporting; Board-Approved CDM program types, including low-income programs and educational programs; cost effectiveness; accounting treatment; program evaluation, measurement and verification; program development costs; and, other funding sources for Board-Approved CDM programs. The CDM Guidelines also provide the details on the lost revenue adjustment mechanism (LRAM) that will be effective for the 2011 to 2014 period.
Guidelines For Electricity Distributor CDM
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