e-Filing Services - Terms of Use


These terms apply to all users of the OEB e-Filing Services, and may change from time to time without notice. Every time you use e-Filing Services you are agreeing to comply with the current terms of use, which will be available online when you use OEB e-Filing Services.

The OEB cannot eliminate all risks associated with its online filing system. These Terms of Use describe both your responsibilities and the OEB's responsibilities in order for you to understand and prepare for the risks associated with filing your information through OEB e-Filing Services.

1 Acceptable Use

1.1. You may use the OEB’s e-Filing Services only in compliance with these Terms of Use and the OEB's Rules of Practice and Procedure.

1.2. You agree not to disrupt or interfere with the OEB’s e-Filing Services’ information or network availability.

1.3. You agree not to submit harmful or deleterious information to the OEB’s e-Filing Services.

1.4. Unacceptable or illegal acts may result in termination of your access to the the OEB’s e-Filing Services.

2 Disclaimers and Limitations of Responsibility

2.1. YOUR USE OF THE OEB’S e-FILING SERVICES IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. All OEB e-Filing Services’ documents, information and software are provided on an "AS IS" basis with no warranties or conditions, express or implied, of any kind including, but not limited to, matters of quality, merchantability, fitness for purpose and non-infringement. The OEB does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information provided. The OEB shall not be liable for any damages, including direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, caused in any way, from the use or inability to use the OEB’s e-Filing Services. Notwithstanding anything else in these Terms of Use, any express or implied reference to the OEB providing an indemnity, any liability for damages, or any other form of indebtedness or contingent liability that would directly or indirectly increase the indebtedness or contingent liabilities of the OEB or the Province of Ontario shall be void and of no legal effect.

2.2. Computer systems cannot be proven to be error free. The OEB does not warrant or guarantee that any program or information made available through the OEB’s e-Filing Services will be free of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and that the OEB’s e-Filing Services will be continuously available or error-free.

2.3. You are responsible for the accuracy, authenticity, validity and completeness of your own document submissions. You are also responsible for meeting any deadlines associated with your document submissions and for confirming that your documents have been accepted. The OEB does not control the information submitted through OEB e-Filing Services. The OEB is not responsible, and shall have no liability to you, for any material submitted by others, including defamatory, offensive, or illicit material.

2.4. You are responsible for risks to your own systems and information and must take steps for your own protection such as using anti-virus software, making frequent backups and maintaining network firewall protection. The OEB is not responsible for your computer systems or networks.

2.5. The OEB does not provide technical, legal, accounting, financial or other professional advice. Information is provided here for your reference only.

3 Fees and Expenses

3.1. The OEB does not currently charge user fees for OEB e-Filing Services. To conform to the technical requirements of the OEB’s e-Filing Services, you may need to purchase hardware or software at your own expense.

4 Security

4.1. The OEB is responsible for the security of its computer system. You are responsible for the security of your computer system. The communication between the OEB's system and yours is protected by approved security protocols, including network firewalls, secure sockets, secret passwords, public key cryptography and digital signatures.

4.2. You are responsible for the accuracy of your user profile and for maintaining the security of your User ID and password. You are responsible for all activity on your account, whether you have authorized the activity or not.

4.3. You agree to notify the OEB immediately if there is any unauthorized use of your account or other breach of security.

5 Privacy

5.1. Information collected and obtained by the OEB is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

5.2. The OEB will not use "cookies" to store information on your computer. Registered users are asked to provide name and contact information. Any information provided by you is used only for OEB purposes (although the OEB may be required to release the information in order to comply with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act). As a standard computer security precaution, the OEB audits network traffic for unauthorized activity.

6 Copyright

6.1. If you submit a document to the repository, you are responsible for marking the bibliographic record to notify the OEB of any copyright restrictions in your document.

7 Governing Law

7.1. The OEB and the OEB e-Filing Services are located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. By your use of the OEB e-Filing Services, you agree to be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario and the applicable federal laws of Canada.

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