Contact industry relations


For general enquiries about the Ontario Energy Board, please visit our contact page.

If you wish to make a complaint about a utility or energy retailer, please visit our complaints page.

Compliance and other regulatory enquiries

If you are an energy market participant or other interested party and would like to raise an issue, seek guidance regarding policy or regulatory obligations, or forward an allegation of non-compliance activity, please email:
Include the following:

  • Full contact information
  • Subject - i.e. Accounting, Applications, Filings, Licensing, Rates/Charges, Reporting Requirements etc.
  • Specific details
  • Supporting documents  

By clearly describing the circumstances and providing the background information, we are able to provide a complete response in a faster period of time.

Regulatory information

For enquiries about regulatory proceedings, case filings and submissions, email:

Media enquiries

For media enquiries please call 416-544-5171 or email:

Website/technical enquiries

For technical enquiries or feedback about the OEB website email:

Accessibility enquiries

If you have any questions regarding accessibility at the OEB, require documents in an alternate format, or wish to provide any feedback regarding the manner in which the OEB provides its services to people with disabilities, please email:


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Note: This form is intended for general feedback only. To report a specific problem that‘s time sensitive and/or may need further follow up, or to file a complaint with the OEB about an energy company, please contact us directly at contact us.