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The OEB has issued a letter to Unit Sub-meter Providers (USMPs) which includes amendments to the Reporting and Record-keeping Requirements (RRR) for the 2023 filing. The letter also provides an update on the RRR process and requirements for USMPs.

The OEB has issued a letter to electricity distributors which includes a summary of changes to the Reporting and Record-keeping Requirements (RRR) for the 2023 filing. The letter also highlights new RRR changes for the April 2024 filing and beyond, including a RRR amendment related to third party net metering.

The OEB has issued the final Notice of Amendments to the Distribution System Code regarding the connection of distributed energy resources (DERs) to local electricity distribution systems. The amendments are intended to provide further clarity and consistency in the process for connecting a DER. These amendments come into force on June 7, 2023.

The OEB is making changes to the Reporting and Record-keeping Requirements (RRR) for electricity distributors as part of its ongoing Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Connections Review initiative. These RRR amendments will provide insight into the progress of Ontario’s energy transition.

The OEB has released a draft report, Resilience in the Electricity Distribution Sector and Related Policy Questions, prepared by London Economics International (LEI), in support of its upcoming March 20, 2023 meeting with stakeholders regarding Distribution Sector Resilience, Responsiveness & Cost Efficiency. It has also set out April 25, 2023 as the date for the consultation’s second stakeholder engagement meeting.

The OEB is making improvements to the Reporting and Record-keeping Requirements for electricity distributors as part of its ongoing Reliability and Power Quality Review consultation.

The OEB has issued a letter confirming the membership of two advisory groups. The new Natural Gas Demand Side Management Stakeholder Advisory Group will provide input on the OEB’s natural gas conservation potential study and the makeup of Enbridge Gas’s next DSM plan application. The updated Evaluation Advisory Committee will continue to provide input on the OEB’s work to evaluate and verify Enbridge Gas’s DSM program results.

The OEB has issued a letter to electricity retailers that includes information on Reporting and Record Keeping Requirements (RRR) related to the monitoring of third-party net metering. The letter also provides an update on the RRR process and requirements for electricity retailers.

Through 2023, the OEB will provide ongoing flexibility in relation to eligibility criteria for the Low-income Energy Assistance Program – Emergency Financial Assistance (LEAP EFA).

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Dyno Nobel Nitrogen Inc., an electricity wholesaler. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the electricity market without a wholesaler licence.

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