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The OEB has published the 2021 Quarter 3 prescribed accounting interest rates applicable to the carrying charges of deferral, variance and construction work in progress (CWIP) accounts of natural gas utilities, electricity distributors and other rate-regulated entities. There is no change to the prescribed rates for 2021 Quarter 3.

The OEB has released an updated variance settlement factor that is to be used by electricity distributors to calculate a one-time credit or charge for consumers who choose to stop purchasing electricity through the Regulated Price Plan. This factor is called the "Final RPP Variance Settlement Factor" and is updated on the OEB website monthly.

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Eacom Timber Corporation. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

The OEB’s path to modernization includes developing a new and purposeful approach to stakeholder engagement. In renewing and expanding upon our commitment to enhanced engagement, we are establishing a new stakeholder advisory committee, the OEB Energy [X] Change. We are inviting nominations from the sector as we establish this committee. Members will serve as key contributors to our future planning discussions and prioritization processes.

The OEB is evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of its regulatory proceedings. As part of this initiative, the OEB is proposing amendments to its Rules of Practice and Procedure related to motions to review, and has issued an invitation to stakeholders to provide comment on the proposed changes.

The OEB has accepted an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance from Milman Mining Inc. The Assurance responds to non-compliance related to operation in the wholesale market without a licence.

The OEB has issued a letter confirming the membership of a working group and the priority workstreams to be undertaken in the near term for the Framework for Energy Innovation: Distributed Resources and Utility Incentives (FEI). The OEB has also issued a Terms of Reference for the FEI Working Group.

The OEB has posted Price Comparison templates for Electricity Contracts valid from May 1, 2021 to October 31, 2021.

Consumer Alert: Beware misleading offers regarding COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program

The OEB has issued guidance to electricity distributors related to the Global Adjustment “Peak Hiatus” and Eligibility for the Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI) for the 2021-2022 Adjustment Period.

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