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The OEB has released an updated variance settlement factor that is to be used by electricity distributors to calculate a one-time credit or charge for consumers who choose to stop purchasing electricity through the Regulated Price Plan. This factor is called the "Final RPP Variance Settlement Factor" and is updated on the OEB website monthly.

We’ve made a number of important changes to our corporate website to align with our modernization mandate and Digital First strategy aimed at providing modern digital services to the public. The enhancements also reflect feedback we’ve heard from our industry users who asked for greater transparency into our work and who rely on OEB.ca to carry out their regulatory responsibilities. The refreshed website will make it easier to do business with us, and is another clear example of how we're taking action to deliver public value.

The OEB has published the 2022 Quarter 1 prescribed accounting interest rates applicable to the carrying charges of deferral, variance and construction work in progress (CWIP) accounts of natural gas utilities, electricity distributors and other rate-regulated entities.

The OEB has issued its Jurisdictional Review of Intervenor Processes and Cost Awards. The OEB is moving forward by developing a Framework for the Review of Intervenor Processes and Cost Awards. This jurisdictional review is the first step. It has been done to identify best practices with respect to how other regulators determine who should be granted intervenor status and cost awards, and if costs are awarded, how the amount is determined. The jurisdictional review is intended to assist in identifying different approaches to intervenor processes for consideration in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the process.

The OEB has issued a letter confirming the initial membership of the Technical Working Group that will provide input on the implementation of an integrated resource planning (IRP) framework for Enbridge Gas. IRP involves consideration of both traditional facility solutions and alternative supply- or demand-side solutions to meet Enbridge’s identified natural gas system needs.

The OEB has issued a report on Residential and Small Commercial customer meters that have switched between Time-of-Use and Tiered pricing since the introduction of Customer Choice in October 2020.

The OEB has issued a letter that sets out a preliminary schedule of cost of service filers for the 2023 to 2026 rate years, outlines changes to the OEB's approach to deferrals and establishes important filing and notification deadlines.

The OEB is launching a comprehensive review of reliability and power quality in the Ontario electricity sector.

The OEB is holding a meeting on December 9th to announce steps we’re taking to advance Activity and Program-based Benchmarking.

The OEB has released Holding Utilities to Account – OEB Compliance and Enforcement Activity Report, which summarizes key compliance and enforcement highlights for the last fiscal year.

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