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As part of our commitment to make regulatory processes more efficient and provide clear and timely guidance to industry, on June 23, the OEB held an orientation session for electricity distributors that plan to file major rate applications in 2021 or 2022. The OEB also hosted a seminar on June 25 for all electricity distributors regarding accounting matters.

The OEB has approved changes to the prices EPCOR will charge its customers for natural gas effective July 1, 2020.

The OEB has posted Price Comparison templates for Natural Gas Contracts for Enbridge and EPCOR valid from July 1 - September 30, 2020.

The OEB is pleased to announce the launch of its Digitization Program - a transition to an entirely electronic record for all regulatory proceedings, permanently eliminating the filing requirement of submitting two hard copies of documents.

The OEB has released an updated variance settlement factor that is to be used by electricity distributors to calculate a one-time credit or charge for consumers who choose to stop purchasing electricity through the Regulated Price Plan. This factor is called the "Final RPP Variance Settlement Factor" and is updated on the OEB website monthly.

The OEB has posted the updated electricity supply mix data information for 2019. As per Ontario Regulation 416/99 made under the OEB Act, and the Board’s Directive, this information is required to be disclosed to Ontario consumers.

To support the implementation of the government’s new COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program (CEAP), on June 16, 2020, the OEB issued a Decision and Order amending the licences of electricity distributors and unit sub-meter providers to require them to deliver CEAP to their eligible customers. The OEB also issued letters to four natural gas distributors setting out its expectations for their delivering CEAP to residential gas customers. The program will launch on July 13, 2020.

The OEB has issued a letter to all registered stakeholders seeking input on virtual hearings.

The OEB has published the 2020 Quarter 3 prescribed accounting interest rates applicable to the carrying charges of deferral, variance and construction work in progress (CWIP) accounts of natural gas utilities, electricity distributors and other rate-regulated entities. The OEB has also issued a letter which describes a departure from the OEB’s approved prescribed interest rates methodology for Q3 2020. This letter also invites stakeholder comments on factors the OEB should consider when setting the interest rates for Q4 2020.

The OEB is initiating a consultation to enable customers on the Regulated Price Plan to opt out of time-of-use pricing.

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