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Estampille temporelle Requérant/problème Date Numéro de dossier Description et documents
1624334400 North Bay Hydro Distribution Limited EB-2020-0043 Application for electricity distribution rates and other charges beginning May 1, 2021.
1620014400 Ontario Power Generation Inc. EB-2020-0290 Application for payment amounts for the period From January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2026.
1619409600 Enbridge Gas Inc. EB-2021-0004 Stakeholders’ Conference for the 2021 Annual Update Enbridge Gas Inc. Gas Supply Plan.
1616990400 Upper Canada Transmission, Inc. EB-2020-0150 Application for approval of electricity transmission revenue requirements for the period from April 1, 2022 to December 31, 2031.
1615867200 Hydro One Networks Inc. EB-2020-0265 Application for leave to construct: reconductoring of transmission lines and associated transmission station work in the Ottawa area.
1613538000 Enbridge Gas Inc. EB-2020-0181 Application for natural gas distribution rates and other charges effective January 1, 2021.
1613538000 PUC Distribution Inc. EB-2020-0249 Application for electricity distribution rates and other charges effective May 1, 2022.
1612933200 Enbridge Gas Inc. EB-2020-0091 Integrated Resources Planning Proposal
1606885200 Lagasco Inc. EB-2019-0166 Application for an order declaring that the natural gas pipelines owned by Lagasco Inc. in Haldimand County are not "pipe lines" within the meaning of section 25 of the Assessment act, and were not "pipe lines" within the meaning of section 25 of the Assessment act, at any time on or after January 1, 2015.
1597896000 Enbridge Gas Inc. EB-2020-0094 Application for approval of a System Expansion Surcharge, a Temporary Connection Surcharge and an Hourly Allocation Factor.
1594785600 Hydro Ottawa Limited EB-2019-0261 Application for electricity distribution rates and other charges for the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2025.
1592280000 Enbridge Gas Inc. EB-2020-0066 Application for Voluntary Renewable Natural Gas Program Application.
1581397200 Hydro One Networks Inc. EB-2018-0117 Application for leave to upgrade existing transmission line facilities in the Barrie-Innisfil area.
1580360400 Enbridge Gas Inc. EB-2018-0319 Application for approval to continue the existing financial terms associated with offering Open Bill Access services for the years 2019 and 2020.
1575522000 Enbridge Gas Inc. EB-2019-0172 Application for approval to construct a natural gas pipeline and associated facilities in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent and the Towns of Lakeshore and Tecumseh.
1575262800 Hydro One Inc. EB-2018-0270 Application for approval to amalgamate Peterborough Distribution Inc. and Peterborough Utilities Services Inc. and to sell the amalgamated electricity distribution system to Hydro One Networks Inc. (EB-2018-0242).

Application for approval to purchase all issued and outstanding shares of Orillia Power Distribution Corporation (EB-2018-0270).
1574658000 Association of Major Power Consumers of Ontario EB-2019-0242 Application to Review Amendments to the Market Rules made by the Independent Electricity System Operator.
1574226000 Enbridge Gas Inc. EB-2019-0194 Application for natural gas distribution rates and other charges effective January 1, 2020.
1573189200 Resolute FP Canada Inc. EB-2019-0206 Application by Resolute FP Canada Inc. for an order amending the Demand Response Qualification Rules passed by the Independent Electricity System Operator on August 26, 2015.
1565582400 Hydro One Networks Inc. EB-2019-0082 Application for electricity transmission rates for the period from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2022.
1565150400 Alectra Utilities Corporation EB-2019-0018 Application for electricity distribution rates and charges effective January 1, 2020.
1560916800 PUC Distribution Inc. EB-2018-0219 Application for electricity distribution rates and other charges effective May 1, 2019.
1556683200 Enbridge Gas Inc. EB-2018-0305 Application for approval to change rates and other charges for the sale, distribution, transmission and storage of gas for Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. and Union Gas Limited effective January 1, 2019.
1550552400 Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited EB-2018-0165 Application for electricity distribution rates beginning January 1, 2020 until December 31, 2024.
1548219600 Energy+ Inc. EB-2018-0028 Application for electricity distribution rates and harmonizing rates and charges in the Cambridge and North Dumfries and Brant County service areas beginning January 1, 2019.
1547442000 Hydro One Sault Ste. Marie LP EB-2018-0218 Application for electricity transmission revenue requirement beginning January 1, 2019 and related matters.
1543986000 Alectra Utilities Corporation EB-2018-0016 Application for electricity distribution rates beginning January 1, 2019.
1543467600 Ontario Power Generation EB-2018-0243 Application for 2019 Hydroelectric Payment Amount Adjustment and Recovery of Deferral and Variance Account Balances effective January 1, 2019.
1531195200 Hydro One Networks Inc. EB-2018-0171 Motions by Hydro One Inc. and Orillia Power Distribution Corporation for an order or orders to vary the OEB’s EB-2016-0276 Decision and Order dated April 12, 2018.
1530072000 Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. EB-2017-0319 Application for approval of the cost consequences of the proposed Renewable Natural Gas Enabling Program and Geothermal Energy Service Program.
1526529600 Nextbridge EB-2017-0364 Application by Hydro One Networks Inc. for an Order or Orders granting leave to construct new transmission facilities ("Lake Superior Link") in northwestern Ontario.
1525665600 Hydro One Networks Inc. EB-2017-0182 / EB-2017-0194 Application for leave to construct an electricity transmission line between Thunder Bay and Wawa, Ontario and an application to upgrade existing transmission station facilities in the Districts of Thunder Bay and Algoma, Ontario.
1523332800 Ontario Power Generation EB-2018-0085 Motion by OPG for an order or orders to vary the Decision and Order EB-2016-0152.
1523246400 Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. EB-2017-0224 Applications for approval of the cost consequences of 2018 cap and trade compliance plans. Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. (EB-2017-0224), Union Gas Limited (EB-2017-0255), EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership (EB-2017-0275).
1523246400 EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership EB-2017-0224 Applications for approval of the cost consequences of 2018 cap and trade compliance plans. Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. (EB-2017-0224), Union Gas Limited (EB-2017-0255), EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership (EB-2017-0275).
1523246400 Union Gas Limited EB-2017-0224 Applications for approval of the cost consequences of 2018 cap and trade compliance plans. Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. (EB-2017-0224), Union Gas Limited (EB-2017-0255), EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership (EB-2017-0275).
1522209600 Union Gas Limited EB-2017-0306 Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. and Union Gas Limited Application for Amalgamation and Rate-Setting Mechanism.
1522209600 Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. EB-2017-0306 Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. and Union Gas Limited Application for Amalgamation and Rate-Setting Mechanism.
1518498000 Anwaatin Inc EB-2017-0335 Motion to Review and Vary EB-2016-0160 Decision and Order dated September 28, 2017.
1518411600 Hydro One EB-2017-0336 Motion to Review and Vary EB-2016-0160 Decision and Order dated September 28, 2017.
1515733200 Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. EB-2017-0035 Application for electricity distribution rates effective January 1, 2018.
1515387600 Union Gas Limited EB-2017-0087 Application for natural gas distribution, transmission and storage rates commencing January 1, 2018.
1512709200 Active Energy Inc. EB-2017-0022 In the matter of two Notices of Intention to Make an Order for Compliance and Payment of an Administrative Penalty against Active Energy Inc.
1512622800 Hydro One Networks Inc. EB-2017-0049 Application for electricity distribution rates beginning January 1, 2018 until December 31, 2022.
1512363600 Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. EB-2017-0086 Application for natural gas distribution, transmission and storage rates commencing January 1, 2018.
1512018000 Alectra Utilities Corporation EB-2017-0024 Application for electricity distribution rates and other charges beginning January 1, 2018.
1510635600 Planet Energy EB-2017-0007 Notice of Intention to make an Order for Compliance and Payment of an Administrative Penalty against Planet Energy (Ontario) Corp.
1510290000 Hydro One Inc. / Orillia Power EB-2017-0320 Hydro One/Orillia Motion - Motions filed requesting review and variance of the OEB’s Procedural Order No. 6 issued on July 27, 2017 in OEB Proceeding EB-2016-0276
1505188800 InnPower Corporation EB-2016-0085 Application for electricity distribution rates and other charges beginning July 1, 2017.
1501646400 EPCOR Southern Bruce Gas Inc. EB-2016-0137 Applications to serve the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss with natural gas distribution services.
1499918400 Ensqr Corporation EB-2016-0380 Notice of Intention to Make an Order for Revocation of a Licence against Ensqr Corporation.
1499313600 Five Nations Energy Inc. EB-2016-0231 Application for changes to its electricity transmission revenue requirement effective January 1, 2016.
1492660800 Thunder Bay Hydro Electricity Distribution Inc. EB-2016-0105 Application for electricity distribution rates beginning May 1, 2017.
1492488000 Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. EB-2016-0300 Applications for approval of the cost consequences of cap and trade compliance plans.
1492488000 Union Gas Limited EB-2016-0300 Applications for approval of the cost consequences of cap and trade compliance plans.
1492488000 Natural Resource Gas Limited EB-2016-0300 Applications for approval of the cost consequences of cap and trade compliance plans.
1480482000 Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc EB-2016-0215 Application for natural gas distribution, transmission and storage rates commencing January 1, 2017.
1479099600 Ontario Power Generation Inc. EB-2016-0152 Application for payment amounts for the period from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2021.
1478404800 Canadian Niagara Power Inc. EB-2016-0061 Application for electricity distribution rates beginning January 1, 2017.
1474516800 Hydro One Networks Inc. Transmission EB-2016-0160 Application for electricity transmission revenue requirement and related changes to the Uniform Transmission Rates beginning January 1, 2017 and January 1, 2018.
1474430400 Brantford Power Inc. EB-2016-0058 Brantford Power Inc. filed a complete cost of service application with the OEB seeking approval for changes to the rates that Brantford Power charges for electricity distribution, to be effective January 1, 2017.
1472011200 Enersource Hydro Mississauga Inc., Horizon Utilities Corporation, and PowerStream Inc. EB-2016-0025 Application for approval to amalgamate to form LDC Co. and for LDC Co. to purchase and amalgamate with Hydro One Brampton Networks Inc.
1470283200 Union Gas Limited EB-2016-0186 Application for approval to construct a natural gas pipeline in the Township of Dawn Euphemia, the Township of St. Clair and the Municipality of Chatham-Kent and approval to recover the costs of the pipeline.
1468468800 Hydro One Inc. EB-2016-0050 Application for approval to purchase Great Lakes Power Transmission Inc.
1467777600 Grimsby Power Inc. EB-2015-0072 Application for Electricity Distribution Rates beginning May 1, 2016.
1461643200 Ontario Energy Board EB-2016-0004 Generic Proceeding on Natural Gas Expansion in Communities that are not served.
1461038400 Union Gas Limited EB-2016-0013 Application for leave to construct natural gas pipelines and ancillary facilities in the Municipality of Leamington.
1459742400 Milton Hydro Distribution Inc. EB-2015-0089 Application for electricity distribution rates and other charges beginning May 1, 2016.
1459396800 Ottawa River Power Corp. EB-2014-0105 Application for electricity distribution rates beginning May 1, 2016.
1457586000 Halton Hills Hydro Inc. EB-2015-0074 Application for electricity distribution rates and other charges beginning May 1, 2016.
1452574800 Rogers Communications Partnership et al EB-2015-0141 Motion to review and vary decision EB-2013-0416/EB-2014-0247 as it relates to the specific charge for cable and telecom companies access to the power poles charged by Hydro One Networks Inc.
1452229200 Enersource Hydro Mississauga Inc. EB-2015-0065 Application for electricity distribution rates beginning January 1, 2016.
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