Initiatives et consultations - archives

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Date de lancement Numéro de dossier Projet Secteur Status
1713844800 EB-2024-0136
Stakeholder consultation on a proposed update to the OEB’s Filing Guidelines for Ontario Power Generation (OPG), which outline filing expectations for payment amounts applications and related matters under section 78.1 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 (the Act).
Electricity Complete
1702443600 EB-2023-0311
The OEB completed a review of the standard value used to denote the electricity consumption of a typical residential customer in Ontario. The OEB determined the value will remain 750 kWh.
Electricity Archived
1684209600 EB-2023-0111
Consultation to review EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership’s Annual Update to its natural gas supply plan.
Natural Gas Archived
1668056400 EB-2022-0261
The OEB has prepared a draft update to the Chapter 4 Filing Requirements that will provide guidance on electricity transmission leave to construct applications and related matters under Part VI of the Ontario Energy Board Act.
Electricity Complete
1665028800 EB-2022-0231
Project to update the OEB’s Environmental Guidelines for the Location, Construction and Operation of Hydrocarbon Pipelines and Facilities in Ontario.
Natural Gas Archived
1660536000 EB-2022-0160
Consultation has concluded

Consultation to discuss how to enable implementation of a new optional Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) price plan for electricity consumers on the Regulated Price Plan (RPP).
Electricity Complete
1651204800 EB-2022-0141
Consultation to review EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership’s Annual Update to its natural gas supply plan.
Natural Gas Archived
1651032000 EB-2022-0152
Consultation related to proposed amendments to the Distribution System Code (DSC), the Electricity Retailer Code of Conduct, and the Retail Settlement Code (RSC) to facilitate regulatory changes to net metering and retailing that take effect July 1, 2022.
Electricity Archived
1646974800 EB-2022-0072
Consultation to review Enbridge Gas Inc.’s Annual Update to its five-year natural gas supply plan.
Natural Gas Archived
1643864400 EB-2022-0081
The OEB issued a letter inviting interested parties to comment on a draft Natural Gas Facilities Handbook.
Natural Gas Archived
1637038800 EB-2022-0074
The Minister of Energy asked the OEB to report back and advise on the design(s) of an optional enhanced Time-of-Use (TOU) rate to further incent demand-shifting away from peak periods to lower-demand periods.
Electricity Complete
1624420800 EB-2021-0180
Consultation to renew the OEB's Innovation Sandbox.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1621310400 EB-2021-0146
Consultation to review EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership’s Annual Update to the five-year natural gas supply plan.
Natural Gas Archived
1616472000 EB-2021-0118
Consultation to facilitate the deployment and adoption of innovative and cost-effective solutions, including distributed resources, in ways that enhance value for energy consumers (FEI).
Electricity Archived
1613710800 EB-2021-0004
Consultation to review Enbridge Gas Inc.’s Annual Update to the five-year natural gas supply plan.
Natural Gas Archived
1608181200 EB-2021-0076
Initiative to find efficiencies in the rate application process for smaller (less than 20,000 customers) electricity distributors.
Electricity Archived
1596772800 EB-2020-0185, EB-2020-0186
The Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines asked for the OEB’s support to implement the new COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program - Small Business (CEAP-SB) for small business and charity customers.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1594008000 EB-2020-0106
Consultation to review EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership’s annual update to the five-year natural gas supply plan.
Natural Gas Archived
1593403200 EB-2020-0162, EB-2020-0163
The Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines asked for the OEB’s support to implement the new COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) for residential customers.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1592366400 --
The OEB sought input from stakeholders on the OEB's plan for conducting virtual hearings.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1591156800 EB-2020-0152
Consultation to develop the rules to implement the time-of-use customer choice initiative.
Electricity Archived
1589428800 EB-2020-0133
Consultation on a deferral account, established in relation to the impacts arising from the COVID-19 emergency, approved for all rate-regulated utilities in the electricity and natural gas sectors and OPG.
Electricity, Natural Gas, Other Archived
1576731600 EB-2019-0255
Ontario announced its intention to further increase access to natural gas by making additional projects eligible for financial support to serve communities that are not currently connected to a natural gas distribution system.
Natural Gas Archived
1564027200 EB-2019-0137
Consultation to review Enbridge Gas Inc.'s (Enbridge) five-year natural gas supply plan.
Natural Gas Archived
1558411200 EB-2019-0003
Consultation to consider the next generation DSM framework, with a view to ensuring that the OEB’s approach remains current, responsive to energy efficiency and conservation market developments and consistent with broader government policy.
Natural Gas Archived
1552622400 EB-2018-0288
Consultation to develop a more comprehensive regulatory framework that facilitates investment and operation of DERs on the basis of value to consumers and supports effective DER integration so the benefits of sector evolution can be realized.
Electricity Archived
1552622400 EB-2018-0287
Consultation to identify how to remunerate utilities in ways that make them indifferent to traditional or innovative solutions, better supports their pursuit of least cost solutions, strengthens their focus on long-term value and requires them to reflect the impact of sector evolution in their system planning and operations.
Electricity Archived
1547701200 EB-2017-0257
Consultation to consider the merits of moving to a single annual natural gas rate application that will include both delivery-related and commodity-related rates from each rate-regulated natural gas distributor.
Natural Gas Archived
1538366400 EB-2018-0268
Initiative to review the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program Emergency Financial Assistance (LEAP EFA).
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1513659600 EB-2017-0371
Initiative to develop the method(s) that the OEB will use to regulate what USMPs may charge for unit sub-metering.
Electricity Archived
1497931200 EB-2017-0127, EB-2017-0128
The Minister’s Directive to the OEB to establish a Demand Side Management (DSM) policy framework included a Mid-Term Review to align with the Mid-Term Review of the Conservation First Framework.
Natural Gas Archived
1495684800 EB-2017-0200
Policy consultation to explore and better understand certain implementation matters related to amendments to Ontario's net metering regulation, and to assess whether changes to its policies and codes should be considered.
Electricity Archived
1494907200 EB-2017-0183
Review of customer service rules for electricity distributors, rate-regulated natural gas distributors and unit sub-meter providers.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1489636800 EB-2017-0129
Initiative to develop a Framework for the Assessment of Distributor Gas Supply Plans.
Natural Gas Archived
1478667600 --
On November 9, 2016, the Minister of Energy asked the OEB to examine and report back with information on Ontario’s retail market for gasoline and diesel fuels
Other Archived
1469160000 EB-2016-0179, EB-2018-0335
Initiative to introduce requirements that Regulated Entities must follow when responding to a consumer complaint that has been received by the OEB and forwarded to the Regulated Entity for response.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1468814400 EB-2016-0201
The OEB has issued its Regulated Price Plan Roadmap: Guideline for Pilot Projects on RPP Pricing.
Electricity Archived
1467000000 EB-2016-0274
On June 27, 2016, the Minister of Energy asked the OEB to examine and provide advice on options for an appropriate electricity rate (or rate assistance) for on-reserve First Nations electricity consumers.
Electricity Archived
1466568000 EB-2014-0255
Consultation to develop guidance on corporate governance for OEB rate-regulated utilities.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1463630400 EB-2016-0182
The OEB posted a Report of the Ontario Energy Board – Updated Policy for the Lost Revenue Adjustment Mechanism Calculation: Lost Revenues and Peak Demand Savings from Conservation and Demand Management Programs.
Electricity Archived
1460606400 EB-2016-0153
The OEB released the Report of the Ontario Energy Board - Defining Ontario’s Typical Electricity Customer.
Electricity Archived
1457586000 EB-2015-0363
Consultation to develop a natural gas regulatory framework to support the implementation of Ontario’s Cap and Trade program.
Natural Gas Archived
1457326800 EB-2016-0033
The OEB updated its filing requirements for natural gas rate applications.
Natural Gas Archived
1455166800 EB-2016-0032
Policy consultation to review the non-bulk electrical grid and associated business systems in Ontario that could impact the protection of personal information and smart grid reliability. (Cyber Security Framework)
Electricity Archived
1452142800 EB-2016-0003
Policy consultation aimed at ensuring the cost responsibility provisions for load customers in the TSC and DSC aligned and facilitated regional planning and the implementation of regional infrastructure plans.
Electricity Archived
1449464400 EB-2015-0182
Initiative to define a “Major Event” that will be used to normalize reliability performance data, develop reporting to evaluate a distributor’s response to a Major Event and, establish “customer specific” system reliability measures.
Electricity Archived
1448427600 EB-2015-0237
3rd Natural Gas Market Review (NGMR) consultation to examine ongoing developments and related issues in the North American natural gas market.
Natural Gas Archived
1447218000 EB-2015-0247
Amendments to implement a minimum mandatory record retention period.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1446699600 EB-2015-0304
The OEB initiated a comprehensive policy review of miscellaneous rates and charges applied by electricity distributors for specific activities or services they provide to their customers.
Electricity Archived
1444968000 EB-2015-0238
The OEB initiated a consultation on distributor gas supply planning. The consultation focused on gas supply and transportation planning strategies and the risk/cost trade-offs considered in the plans.
Natural Gas Archived
1444017600 EB-2015-0268
Consultation regarding proposed amendments to the OEB’s codes, rules and other regulatory instruments applicable to electricity retailers and natural gas marketers.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1432785600 EB-2015-0043
Consultation on rate design for commercial and industrial electricity customers.
Electricity Archived
1431576000 EB-2015-0040
Consultation on rate-regulated utility pensions and other post-employment benefits (OPEBs).
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1429243200 EB-2015-0159
Phase II of the Intervenor Framework consultation.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1428465600 EB-2015-0117
The March 2014 directive to the OEB from the Minister of Energy (the DSM/CDM Directive) requires that an achievable potential study for natural gas efficiency in Ontario should be conducted every three years.
Natural Gas Archived
1427688000 EB-2015-0148
The implementation of the OESP, a program to provide ongoing, and on-bill, rate assistance for low-income electricity consumers in Ontario.
Electricity Archived
1424408400 EB-2015-0006
Amendments to the DSC to establish criteria to facilitate the elimination of the remaining load transfer arrangements between electricity distributors.
Electricity Archived
1424235600 EB-2015-0156
The Minister of Energy asked the OEB to examine opportunities to facilitate enhanced access to natural gas for rural and remote communities and businesses.
Natural Gas Archived
1418274000 EB-2014-0365
Consultation to consider whether all electricity distributors should have their licences amended to allow market rates to be charged for wireless attachments, under the same conditions as THESL.
Electricity Archived
1411099200 EB-2014-0289
Consultative process to examine recent developments in the North American natural gas market to better understand any potential implications for Ontario’s natural gas sector.
Natural Gas Archived
1406260800 EB-2011-0043
The Regional Planning Standing Committee (RPSC) was established to assume custodial accountability for the Regional Planning Process.
Electricity Archived
1405396800 EB-2014-0189
Initiative to establish specific performance targets related to distribution system reliability.
Electricity Archived
1403841600 EB-2014-0227
The OEB provided recommendations on a program design that would offer ongoing, and on-bill, rate assistance to low-income electricity consumers.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1403841600 EB-2014-0198
Review of distributors' billing frequency, the use of estimated billing, and billing accuracy.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1403236800 EB-2014-0219
Consultation to consider revised approaches to the funding of capital investments by utilities.
Electricity Archived
1397102400 EB-2014-0134
Consultation to develop a new DSM Framework to be used by natural gas distributors in developing their next DSM plans for 2015 to 2020.
Natural Gas Archived
1396929600 EB-2014-0158
The Minister of Energy asked the OEB to undertake a review of Part II of the ECPA.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1396238400 EB-2014-0138
Initiative to review policies relating to Service Area Amendments, and Rate-Making after Consolidation.
Electricity Archived
1395288000 EB-2012-0383
Amendments to the DSC to require distributors to include certain minimum requirements in their Conditions of Service in relation to unmetered load customers.
Electricity Archived
1389848400 EB-2013-0311
Amendments to the DSC to require a distributor to install a MIST meter on any installation that is forecast to have a monthly average peak demand during a calendar year of over 50 kW.
Electricity Archived
1383278400 --
The OEB assessed the potential benefits and impacts of the proposed Energy East Pipeline from an Ontario perspective.
Natural Gas Archived
1377144000 EB-2013-0301
The Board reviewed the framework governing the participation of intervenors in applications, policy consultations and other proceedings before the Board.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1375416000 EB-2013-0273
Revisions to the RPP Manual to change the manner in which the variance settlement amount that consumers pay, or receive, when they exit the Regulated Price Plan is calculated.
Electricity Archived
1372305600 EB-2013-0294
The Advisory Committee provided the OEB with ongoing assistance on emerging smart grid issues as the OEB facilitated the development and implementation of smart grid in Ontario.
Electricity Archived
1370232000 EB-2013-0192
Amendments to the licence of the OPA to address their obligations in the regional planning process.
Electricity Archived
1360558800 EB-2012-0397
Initative to assess how the Board’s approach to the regulation of electricity distributors may affect the ability of distributors to realize operational or organizational efficiencies that benefit customers.
Electricity Archived
1359003600 EB-2013-0004
The Board initiated a consultation process to develop standby rates for Load Displacement Generation (LDG).
Electricity Archived
1353906000 EB-2012-0410
The OEB initiated a consultation to complete the work begun in EB-2010-0060 on revenue decoupling for electricity and natural gas distributors.
Electricity Archived
1349064000 EB-2012-0383
Review of Cost Allocation Policy for Unmetered Loads (“UL”). UL encompass Street Lighting, Unmetered Scattered Loads, and Sentinel Lighting classes.
Electricity Archived
1343707200 EB-2012-0340
On August 28, 2012, Board staff will host a meeting (“the Stakeholder Meeting”) for stakeholders and interested parties regarding incentive rate making options for Ontario Power Generation's prescribed generation assets.
Electricity Archived
1343361600 EB-2012-0301
Amendments to the DSC to provide additional time for applicants of large embedded generation facilities that require transmission upgrades to sign a connection cost agreement with the distributor for the facility and maintain its capacity allocation.
Electricity Archived
1337054400 EB-2012-0246
Consultation to improve the connection process for micro-embedded generation.
Electricity Archived
1331096400 EB-2012-0062
Amendments to the Board's Electricity Reporting and Record Keeping Requirements (RRR).
Electricity Archived
1325739600 EB-2012-0003
On January 5, 2012, the Board issued for comment a new set of Guidelines for Electricity Distributor Conservation and Demand Management (CDM).
Electricity Archived
1316059200 EB-2011-0429
Consultation process to amend the Unit Sub-Metering Code (USMC) to implement provisions relating to increased consumer protection measures.
Electricity Archived
1313985600 EB-2011-0140, EB-2015-0216
The Minister of Energy asked the OEB to create a process for selecting the most qualified and cost-effective transmission company to develop the East-West Tie transmission line that connects Northeast and Northwest Ontario.
Electricity Archived
1301630400 EB-2011-0043
The OEB initiated two working groups associated with Regional Infrastructure Planning.
Electricity Archived
1301630400 EB-2011-0043
Consultation to promote the cost-effective development of electricity infrastructure through coordinated planning on a regional basis between licensed distributors and transmitters.
Electricity Archived
1298610000 EB-2011-0052
Consultative process to conduct a preliminary assessment of the incentive regulation plans of the natural gas utilities.
Natural Gas Archived
1295240400 EB-2010-0245
Q&As that relate to the implementation of the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 and associated OEB regulatory requirements.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1294894800 EB-2011-0004
Consultation process to examine issues associated with the implementation of Smart Grid.
Electricity Archived
1292562000 EB-2010-0377
Consultation to address how the Board might ensure that distributor investment plans are demonstrably economically efficient and cost-effective.
Electricity Archived
1292562000 EB-2010-0378
Consultation process to provide utilities and the Board with a range of approaches and supporting tools to help mitigate the effects of unavoidable and significant rate and/or bill impacts.
Electricity Archived
1292562000 EB-2010-0379
Consultative process to address how the OEB might create conditions which will foster the cost-effective and efficient implementation of Board-approved network investment plans.
Electricity Archived
1292302800 EB-2010-0362
Consultation on revisions to the Board’s Cost Assessment Model to reflect the proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 16/08.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1291611600 EB-2010-0364
Consultation process to determine whether there is a need to modify the current structure or price setting methodology for TOU electricity prices.
Electricity Archived
1288238400 EB-2010-0321
Amendments to the Smart Sub-Metering Code and the Distribution System Code to implement the provisions of the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 in relation to suite metering.
Electricity Archived
1288152000 EB-2010-0377, EB-2010-0378, EB-2010-0379
The OEB initiated a coordinated consultative process to develop a renewed regulatory framework for electricity (RRFE).
Electricity Archived
1286164800 EB-2010-0245
The ECPA established a new framework for the regulation of the activities of licensed electricity retailers and gas marketers.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1285041600 EB-2010-0280
Consultation process to develop customer service rules for natural gas distributors.
Natural Gas Archived
1283400000 EB-2010-0219
Consultative process to review specific elements of the Board's electricity distribution cost allocation policy.
Electricity Archived
1282536000 EB-2010-0249
Consultation to develop system reliability measures and performance standards for electricity distributors.
Electricity Archived
1280376000 EB-2010-0248
Amendments to the ARC for Gas Utilities and the Natural Gas RRR to reflect the ability of natural gas utilities to own and operate certain renewable and other generation facilities as well as energy storage facilities.
Natural Gas Archived
1279598400 EB-2010-0199
Consultative process to review and examine recent developments in North American natural gas supply markets to consider any potential implications for the Ontario natural gas market.
Natural Gas Archived
1277352000 EB-2010-0218
The Board issued a final determination under section 1.2.1 of the Standard Supply Service Code to mandate time-of-use pricing for regulated price plan customers.
Electricity Archived
1277179200 EB-2010-0216
The Board is responsible for determining the allocation of the total CDM targets to each licensed electricity distributor.
Electricity Archived
1277179200 EB-2010-0215
The Board may specify, as a condition of licence, conservation and demand management targets for electricity distributors.
Electricity Archived
1271649600 EB-2010-0059
The Board issued its “Framework for Transmission Project Development Plans” that sets out the policy for new transmission investment in Ontario, with regard to transmission project development planning.
Electricity Archived
1271304000 EB-2010-0058
Amendments to the TSC to revise the definition of the term “Supporting Guarantee”.
Electricity Archived
1269230400 EB-2010-0060
Consultation process to examine the revenue adjustment and cost recovery mechanisms available to electricity and natural gas distributors.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1268197200 EB-2010-0038
Consultation process in relation to the alternative bid option provisions of the Distribution System Code.
Electricity Archived
1264050000 EB-2009-0423
Consultation process to assist in understanding the need for and the implications of a potential alignment of the rate year with the fiscal year for electricity distributors.
Electricity Archived
1262322000 EB-2010-0215
CDM Strategies, Board-Approved CDM Programs, Performance Incentive and Annual Reports.
Electricity Archived
1261112400 --
Policy guidance regarding distributors’ planning process.
Electricity Archived
1260421200 EB-2009-0411
Amendments to the DSC and ARC for Electricity Distributors and Transmitters to reflect the ability of electricity distributors to own and operate certain renewable and other generation facilities as well as energy storage facilities.
Electricity Archived
1253851200 EB-2009-0349
Consultation process to address how the Board should determine the direct benefits that accrue to the consumers of a distributor when that distributor has incurred costs to make an eligible investment in its distribution system to accommodate a renewable energy generation facility.
Electricity Archived
1253505600 EB-2009-0161
Proposed amendments to the Electricity RRR.
Electricity Archived
1253505600 EB-2009-0163
Amendments to the Natural Gas Reporting and Record Keeping Requirements: Gas Marketer Licence Requirements (RRR).
Natural Gas Archived
1253505600 EB-2009-0162
Amendments to the Natural Gas Reporting and Record Keeping Requirements: Rule for Gas Utilities.
Natural Gas Archived
1253505600 EB-2009-0326
Proceeding to determine a just and reasonable rate to be charged by an electricity distributor for the recovery of costs associated with an embedded generator having a nameplate capacity of 10 kilowatts or less.
Electricity Archived
1249963200 --
The Retail Compliance Plan was created to verify that licensed electricity retailers and natural gas marketers are in compliance with their legal and regulatory obligations.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1249444800 EB-2009-0303
Amendments to the Distribution System Code and Retail Settlement Code regarding the account treatment and settlement of retail embedded generation.
Electricity Archived
1246334400 EB-2008-0150
The Financial Assistance Working Group is responsible for developing guidelines relating to the delivery of emergency funding to low-income energy consumers.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1245988800 --
In accordance with OEB requirements, electricity distributors filed quarterly reports on smart meter deployment to enable the OEB to monitor distributors’ progress in relation to the implementation of time-of-use (TOU) pricing
Electricity Archived
1245902400 EB-2008-0150
The role of the Conservation Working Group was to develop both a short-term (2010) and long-term framework for DSM by natural gas distributors, as it relates to low-income energy consumers.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1245384000 EB-2009-0397
Filing Requirements for distribution system plans to be filed under section 70(2.1) of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998.
Electricity Archived
1245297600 EB-2009-0084
Consultative process to determine whether current economic and financial market conditions warrant an adjustment to any of the Cost of Capital parameter values.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1245124800 EB-2009-0087
The Board issued Guidelines on the deemed conditions of licence regarding distribution system planning as provided for in the Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009.
Electricity Archived
1244606400 EB-2009-0152
Initiative to consider more innovative approaches to cost recovery for electricity infrastructure projects.
Electricity Archived
1244174400 EB-2009-0077
Amendments to the Distribution System Code to revise its approach to assigning cost responsibility.
Electricity Archived
1242273600 EB-2009-0088
Amendments to the DSC to enhance the generation connection process for allocating capacity for connection.
Electricity Archived
1241496000 EB-2009-0111
The OEB commenced a proceeding to determine whether certain distributors that have not otherwise been authorized to conduct discretionary metering activities should be authorized to do so.
Electricity Archived
1238558400 EB-2009-0092
Amendments to address inconsistencies in the application of the seasonal change in the Regulated Price Plan (RPP) tier threshold for condominiums.
Electricity Archived
1238126400 EB-2009-0095
Amendments that would defer the date by which geographic distributors must eliminate load transfer arrangements.
Electricity Archived
1231390800 EB-2008-0297
The Board amended the RSC to clarify that the right to information belongs to the consumer and can be delegated by each consumer to his or her agent or retailer.
Electricity Archived
1225774800 EB-2008-0352
The Board consulted on its proposal to endorse the Ontario Power Authority’s Measures and Assumptions List.
Electricity Archived
1225425600 EB-2008-0346
Consultation process to review the DSM framework and develop guidelines for DSM to be used by natural gas distributors in developing their next generation DSM plans.
Natural Gas Archived
1219377600 EB-2008-0280
Filing Guidelines for the Pre-Approval of Long-Term Gas Supply and/or Upstream Transportation Contracts (“LTC Filing Guidelines”).
Natural Gas Archived
1219204800 EB-2008-0381, EB-2007-0820
Proceeding to determine the accuracy of the final account balances with respect to account 1562 Deferred PILs.
Electricity Archived
1214971200 EB-2008-0150
Consultation process to examine issues associated with low income energy consumers in relation to their use of natural gas and electricity (LEAP, EFA).
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1210910400 EB-2008-0102
Amendments to the DSC to simplify the process for the connection of smaller sized generation facilities that utilize a non-intermittent generation technology.
Electricity Archived
1210219200 EB-2008-0408, EB-2008-0104
Consultation to assist in the transition of regulatory accounting to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1208404800 EB-2007-0672
The Board initiated a consultation process to assist it in determining whether there is a need to modify the methodology for setting TOU electricity prices.
Electricity Archived
1204693200 EB-2008-0052
The Board developed rules of conduct and reporting related to storage.
Natural Gas Archived
1203397200 EB-2008-0046
Policy framework for the review and disposition of deferral and variance accounts for electricity distributors.
Electricity Archived
1202446800 EB-2008-0037
The Board developed Guidelines for Electricity Distributor Conservation and Demand Management (CDM).
Electricity Archived
1199422800 EB-2008-0001
Consultation process to develop a service quality regulation regime for electricity distributors.
Electricity Archived
1199422800 EB-2008-0003
Consultation to examine the issue of cost responsibility associated with the connection of generation and load facilities to electricity transmission systems.
Electricity Archived
1190952000 EB-2007-0759
This proceeding set the Uniform Transmission rates and revenue shares for Ontario Transmitters.
Electricity Archived
1189051200 EB-2007-0722
Consultation process regarding issues associated with the provision of service by electricity distributors and the manner in which electricity distributors apply certain charges.
Electricity Archived
1186459200 EB-2007-0709
The Board received a Directive from the Minister of Energy that required the Board to implement such measures as the Board considers necessary to address the issue of stray voltage as it affects the farm sector.
Electricity Archived
1186027200 EB-2007-0673
The Ontario Energy Board consulted with stakeholders on the development of the principles and methodology for the third generation incentive regulation mechanism (3rd Generation IRM) for electricity distributors.
Electricity Archived
1186027200 EB-2007-0673
Filings and working group materials related to 3rd Generation Incentive Regulation
Electricity Archived
1184299200 EB-2007-0630
Consultative process to assist the Board in determining an appropriate policy framework for distributed generation.
Electricity Archived
1182139200 EB-2007-0617
The Board is proposing to adopt an Aboriginal Consultation Policy.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1181880000 EB-2007-0662
Board staff engaged in research regarding the Board’s Affiliate Relationships Code for Electricity Distributors and Transmitters (ARC).
Electricity Archived
1179115200 EB-2007-0032
Code amendments to facilitate a cost-effective transition to smart metering.
Electricity Archived
1178164800 EB-2007-0063
Proceeding to determine issues related to the recovery of costs associated with discretionary metering activities.
Electricity Archived
1175227200 EB-2007-0031
Review to consider the need for, and approaches to, changes to distribution rate design in light of industry changes and emerging issues.
Electricity Archived
1175140800 EB-2007-0050, EB-2007-0051, EB-2007-0920
Hydro One was seeking approvals from the Board related to the proposed Bruce-Milton Transmission Project.
Electricity Archived
1175054400 EB-2007-0097
Information on stakeholder meetings held in April-May 2007 regarding regulatory barriers to CDM.
Electricity Archived
1173070800 EB-2007-0028
Rate making issues that may be associated with certain distributor mergers, acquisitions, amalgamations and divestitures.
Electricity Archived
1172811600 --
CDM Plans and Decisions for CDM activities in 2006.
Electricity Archived
1170219600 EB-2007-0005
Amendments that would defer the date by which geographic distributors must eliminate load transfer arrangements. The proposed amendments also outlined information geographic distributors would be required to file with respect to their plans for eliminatin
Electricity Archived
1170046800 --
Addendum to the Report of the Board on 2nd Generation Incentive Regulation Mechanism.
Electricity Archived
1168232400 EB-2007-0772
The Board issued the Smart Sub-Metering Code in order to support the regulations and impose appropriate standards on the activities of the smart sub-metering providers.
Electricity Archived
1166504400 EB-2006-0330
The Board established a multi-year electricity distribution rate setting plan for the years 2007 to 2010.
Electricity Archived
1165813200 EB-2006-0266
The Board's process to develop a regulatory framework for CDM activities by electricity distributors in 2007 and beyond.
Electricity Archived
1164344400 EB-2006-0268
Consultation process on comparison of distributor costs.
Electricity Archived
1163739600 EB-2006-0189, EB-2006-0200
The connection procedures submitted by the two applicants were reviewed and approved under section 6.1.5 of the Transmission System Code.
Electricity Archived
1162443600 EB-2006-0267
Information on a revenue stabilization proposal
Electricity Archived
1157947200 EB-2006-0209
The Board initiated a consultation process to develop a multi-year incentive regulation plan for setting natural gas utility rates.
Natural Gas Archived
1157083200 EB-2006-0207
The Board developed principles to guide its review of the OPA's IPSP and procurement processes.
Electricity Archived
1154404800 EB-2004-0205
The smart price pilot was designed to help the Board better understand the degree to which Ontario consumers change their electricity consumption behaviour with smart meters.
Electricity Archived
1146110400 EB-2006-0087, EB-2006-0088, EB-2006-0089
This project developed a mechanistic incentive rate adjustment, including the cost of capital to be used, for the years 2007 to 2010.
Electricity Archived
1144036800 EB-2005-0317
Phase 3: Mandatory OEB filing requirements, OEB model design and data inputs
Electricity Archived
1142917200 EB-2006-0064
The OEB initiated a consultative process to discuss the filing requirements for Ontario Power Generation’s next payment amounts application.
Electricity Archived
1142917200 EB-2005-0529
Proceeding to make certain determinations of matters raised in applications by electricity distribution companies for 2006 rates
Electricity Archived
1140411600 EB-2006-0021
The Board initiated a generic proceeding to address a number of issues related to DSM activities.
Natural Gas Archived
1136091600 EB-2006-0030, RP-2002-0146
Amendments to the DSC to include a common set of terms and conditions for security deposits.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1135832400 EB-2005-0551
Generic Hearing - Natural Gas Electricity Interface Review Issues and Storage Regulation.
Natural Gas Archived
1133758800 EB-2005-0447
Creation of licence conditions establishing the maximum cumulative generation capacity from net metering generators that electricity distributors must allow to be connected to the distribution system.
Electricity Archived
1132030800 EB-2005-0317
Phase 2: Priority rate design and rate classification matters
Electricity Archived
1131685200 EB-2005-0523
A generic proceeding to consider common CDM activities as part of the 2006 EDR process.
Electricity Archived
1131426000 EB-2005-0522
The OEB issued an interpretative guideline with respect to its review of contracts between the Ontario Power Authority and various generators.
Electricity Archived
1129003200 EB-2005-0494
As part of the findings of the Natural Gas Forum report, the Board reviewed the gas utilitiy guidelines for the rate hearing process.
Natural Gas Archived
1129003200 EB-2005-0463
The OEB developed the terms and conditions for a standard offer program for small generators embedded in the distribution system that use clean or renewable resources.
Electricity Archived
1128312000 EB-2005-0488
The Board identified a need to review and clarify certain provisions in the Distribution System Code related to expansions, alternative bids, and enhancements. Chapter 3 of the Code, entitled Connections and Expansions, was established to encourage uniformity of approach across electricity distributors.
Electricity Archived
1127275200 EB-2005-0317
Phase 1 - OEB cost allocation principles and methodologies
Electricity Archived
1122609600 EB-2005-0453
Consultation to discuss a proposed framework that will develop service quality measures, standards and reporting mechanisms for natural gas utilities
Natural Gas Archived
1122264000 RP-1999-0057, EB-2002-0424
A review of Hydro One Network Inc.'s filings on the Customer Equipment Compliance Process and Customer Delivery Point Performance Standards.
Electricity Archived
1118376000 EB-2005-0306
This review examines the implications of additional gas-fired electricity generation on the natural gas infrastructure, service offerings, and on coordination between natural gas and electricity system operators.
Natural Gas Archived
1118376000 --
The conclusions of the NGF report were implemented over several years through public processes that include stakeholder participation.
Natural Gas Archived
1115784000 RP-2004-0188
The 2006 Electricity Distribution Rate Handbook served as a guideline to aid electricity distributors in preparing applications for 2006 distribution rates.
Electricity Archived
1108702800 EB-2005-0315
The Board directed the utilities serving York Region to identify the optimal transmission and/or distribution infrastructure investment to serve York Region.
Electricity Archived
1104555600 EB-2005-0317
This initiative examined the principles, methodologies, filing requirements and model design in respect of new cost allocation studies for electricity distributors.
Electricity Archived
1104555600 EB-2004-0203
Information on CDM plans and applications from utilities.
Electricity Archived
1103259600 RP-2004-0220
2004 revisions to the Transmission System Code.
Electricity Archived
1101963600 EB-2008-0313
The Gas Distribution Access Rule (GDAR) relates to the conduct of gas distributors towards gas vendors, including gas marketers; and to the access to distribution services provided by distributors. Information on the GDAR EBT Standards Working Group.
Natural Gas Archived
1099285200 --
A cost assessment study was undertaken to ensure a complete, fair and transparent review of all alternative cost assessment models and recommend a new model that would address the impact of both recent legislative changes on the OEB and changes in the current mix of energy market participants.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1096430400 RP-2004-0205
The Board formed the RPP Working Group to study the options, identify implementation issues, and make recommendations to Board staff.
Electricity Archived
1093838400 EB-2004-0203
Information relating to Third Tranche CDM activities, including CDM Plans, Decisions, Annual Reports, and LRAM and SSM applications.
Electricity Archived
1093233600 RP-2004-0205
On August 23, 2004, the Board launched a consultation process to develop a new regulated price plan for eligible electricity consumers.
Electricity Archived
1089950400 RP-2004-0196
The OEB provides the regulatory framework for the smart metering initiative.
Electricity Archived
1089950400 RP-2004-0196
The proposed smart meter implementation plan suggested the mandatory technical requirements for smart meters and the support systems distributors would require.
Electricity Archived
1087358400 RP- 2004-0188
The Board issued its Report and 2006 Electricity Distribution Handbook on May 11, 2005.
Electricity Archived
1086148800 RP-2004-0166
Amendments to the DSC to provide greater clarity as to local electricity distribution companies’ rights and obligations with respect to customers owing money for unpaid electricity charges or for a security deposit.
Electricity Archived
1082001600 RP-2003-0242, RP-2003-0247
The Board established reporting and record keeping requirements for natural gas utilities and licensed gas marketers.
Natural Gas Archived
1081828800 RP-2003-0249
Application by the CCTA for an amendment to electricity distributor licences to establish uniform terms and conditions of access to electricity distribution power poles.
Electricity Archived
1072155600 RP-1999-0032
The EBT Standards govern the exchange of information among automated systems to enable electricity distributors and retailers to meet the requirements of the Retail Settlement Code.
Electricity Archived
1070514000 RP-2003-0203
Amendments to the DSC to enhance public safety in circumstances where a distributor disconnects a customer.
Electricity Archived
1066968000 RP-2003-0213
Amend the Electricity Retailer Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for Gas Marketers to reflect, for example, legislative amendments such as Bills 58, 210, 23.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1066968000 RP-2004-0213
Facilitate the development of viable competitive markets in natural gas through review of the role of storage, transportation and the supply of commodity gas.
Natural Gas Archived
1062129600 RP-2003-0190
The Board reviewed Service Quality Regulation, as part of the phased development of second-generation PBR for electricity distribution
Electricity Archived
1061352000 RP-2003-0188
Request from the Minister of Energy for Hydro One Networks Inc. to submit to the Board a proposal for rebating existing, and new, metered market participants when they make alternative arrangements for the provision of meter services.
Electricity Archived
1060315200 --
Develop a process to identify and review transmission system enhancements to improve economic efficiency.
Electricity Archived
1055908800 RP-2003-0113
Amendments to the DSC in order to facilitate the connection of cleaner, alternative and renewable energy sources to distribution systems.
Electricity Archived
1055908800 RP-2003-0144
Report to the Minister with recommendations on options for delivery of demand-side management and demand response activities in the electricity sector and on the role of electricity and natural gas distributors in demand side management.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1054612800 RP-2003-0056
Amendments to the RSC in order to be consistent with amendments made to the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, and several changes made by the Independent Electricity Market Operator.
Electricity Archived
1048827600 RP-2003-0044
Combined proceeding for several applications for distribution service area amendments.
Electricity Archived
1036645200 RP-2003-0228
Undertake cost allocation studies to allocate revenue requirement between rate classes.
Electricity, Natural Gas Archived
1035781200 --
Develop a second generation RBR rate approach for electricity distributors post 2006.
Electricity Archived
1023854400 RP-2002-0120
The OEB initiated a proceeding to determine if changes are required to the TSC.
Electricity Archived
1018324800 RP-2002-0140
Development of reporting and record-keeping requirements for electricity market participants.
Electricity Archived
962942400 RP-2000-0069
In June 2000, the Minister of Energy, Science and Technology issued a policy directive to the Board on the setting of rates for the distribution of electricity.
Electricity Archived
931838400 --
The Board implemented Ontario's first generation of performance-based rate regulation for electricity distribution.
Electricity Archived
537166800 EBO 134
A review by the Ontario Energy Board of the Expansion of the Natural Gas System in Ontario (E.B.O. 134).
Natural Gas Archived